Insanity....should I ?

I finish work in a few weeks and I am taking some serious time out to concentrate on my fitness. One idea I had was to do the Insanity program but before I commit I would be interested to hear from anyone who may be doing it now, or has completed it.

Does it work, are you happy with your results?

Any comments on Insantity would be welcome to help me make up my mind.

Thanks Guys!


  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member
    I did the full 2 months and it worked great as a cardio program. Any increase in muscle definition will come from the fat loss, as there wasn't really enough resistance to trigger strength gains. Also, month 2 is about 15 minutes longer per workout, which can be brutal given the already frenetic pace. I still do Insanity on my off days from weightlifting.
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    If you're up for the challenge, I say go for it!

    I haven't done it but I honestly don't see how someone can do a workout regiment like that and NOT see results. Good luck!
  • justiningham
    justiningham Posts: 139 Member
    I am currently doing Spartacus and plan to start Insanity in October (have bought it, just got a professional exam to get out he way) - then on to P90x after Christmas!

    I am planning on using Insanity for cardio to cut some fat, before p90x.
    If you want to burn fat to for it, however bear in mind that for best results you need to follow the diet/nutrition as best as you can :-)
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    Starting round 2 Monday and yes I absolutely love it. I am very happy with the results I got from it.

    If you are up for a challenge and healthy enough, do it.
  • cathie2903
    cathie2903 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks Guys :smile: