Starting LeanGains 14/10 tommorrow...

Should I have a big dinner tonight to see me through and/or have dinner later than usual and/or just have a 'normal' sized dinner at a 'normal' time (6pm) ?

(by normal I mean normal for me)


  • KimKramer
    I tried it last week and did the 16/8 window and loved it! Had some black coffee in the morning and lots of long as you keep yourself busy you should be fine :) I never had a binge moment once I was able to eat or needed to eat a bigger dinner. Starting it up for good tomorrow! I did it every other day last week....going for Mon-Fri this week!!! Add me if you want to do this together!! GOOD LUCK
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Are you calorie/carb cycling or just IF'ing? Unless you are cycling then I would suggest eating your normal meal as this version of IF should not change the daily calories you are eating.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Are you calorie/carb cycling or just IF'ing? Unless you are cycling then I would suggest eating your normal meal as this version of IF should not change the daily calories you are eating.

    Not cycling, just IF'ing. I'm still going to eat my calories as usual, I usually don't have breakfast until 10,30am anyway so I thought whats the difference of a couple of hours? Up until 6 months ago I never even ate breakfast and used to eat my first meal at 2pm. Its not really a big change for me.

    Just wondering if I should eat later tonight to make up for the fact I won't be eating until 1pm or so tmorw.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    I'm doing 16/8 during weekdays, and 18/6 during the weekends.
    I just eat 3 normal meals during the week. No need to eat bigger in the evening. At least not for me.
    Only had one tough day and it was the first one, as I was used to eat breakfast at 7am. Now I just eat between 10am-6PM and from 12-6PM in the weekends.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I'm doing 16/8 during weekdays, and 18/6 during the weekends.
    I just eat 3 normal meals during the week. No need to eat bigger in the evening. At least not for me.
    Only had one tough day and it was the first one, as I was used to eat breakfast at 7am. Now I just eat between 10am-6PM and from 12-6PM in the weekends.

    Thank you for the reply :smile: It seems to be working well :smile:

    I don't think I've worded my original post very well.... the night before you started did you eat your 'final' dinner later than usual to see you through?
  • Antihelt
    Antihelt Posts: 3 Member
    As long as you sleep the majority of the time you are fasting the last meal should not be a worry.

    Intermitten fasting is a great way to lose fat. I lost 22lbs in 6 months, without losing any muscle. Many people believe you will lose muscle, but that is not the case.

    I use it now to gain weight. To do that you just have to be in a calorie surplus. The days I train I eat 20% more calories, and on rest days I eat 20% less. The great way of doing this is that I have a steady gain. If you eat way to much, most of your gains will be fat. You will get stronger, but the majority of the weight you put on will be fat. So if you look to gain strenght and muscle I will recommend to be in a calorie surplus of 200 calories. So you can easilly control your gains.

    If you look to use Intermitten fasting to lose weight you should be in a calorie deficit. The fat will melt of! Just remember to eat healthy and get your daily protein and carbs. You can use what ever diet you want.

    I highly recommend to follow the Hodgetwins' IF fasting channel on youtube (
    You will learn a lot and they are very entertaining!

    What every you do. IF is the way to go. Good luck :)