C25K - can I do it?

So, I've been a member of this site for a while, and have seen many posts re: couch to 5K. I've always wondered what it was, and finally did a google search. I'm definitely interested in this program, but am wondering how reasonable it is for me to try. I currently weigh 287 lbs, am 31 years old, I walk for 60 minutes four days a week, about 2.7 miles on varied terrain, and my "route" has many hills. I have the time to invest, but can anyone tell me if I am waaaaaay out of my league?


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    C25K is really what it's title is - Couch to 5K. It is designed to get a person from the couch to running a 5k in 9 weeks. You can take longer if you'd like through repeating weeks or modifying weeks. It wouldn't hurt to try, the only person holding you back is yourself.

    I believe you can do it if you put your mind to it. :flowerforyou:
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    So, I've been a member of this site for a while, and have seen many posts re: couch to 5K. I've always wondered what it was, and finally did a google search. I'm definitely interested in this program, but am wondering how reasonable it is for me to try. I currently weigh 287 lbs, am 31 years old, I walk for 60 minutes four days a week, about 2.7 miles on varied terrain, and my "route" has many hills. I have the time to invest, but can anyone tell me if I am waaaaaay out of my league?

    Of course you can do it..To think any different is foolish. Just put in the work and make it happen for yourself. Best of luck.
  • amaline
    The only way you'll find out is to try!! I am in Week 3 now and I am loving it.

    I think you have a good fitness base with the walking which should help you. You could give the first workout a try and see how you go. If you need to take longer recovery or jog for 30 seconds instead of 60 that's fine. If you find it too hard you can work your way up to it. You can also repeat weeks as often as you want until you are comfortable enought to move onto the next one.

    We have a forum on this site which has been running for a while but there are a few of us on it who have only just begun the program - feel free to come and join us :smile:

    I believe you can do it!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Well, I'm going to reply for my husband. When he began the C25K, he weighed around 290 or 300. He ran in a 2 mile race last weekend (5K is 3.1 miles) and ran an 11 min. mile average. He's enjoying it. I say go for it! If it doesn't work out, at least you tried and burned some calories in the process! If it does work out, then you have taken a huge step towards a new you! The only thing you have to lose is fat. Go for it!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I say definitely give it a try. I am on week 8. I have very bad knees, and when I started, I added weeks to the beginning of the program and ran only 30 second intervals. I ran 2 of them each workout in my first week of workouts. You can easily incorporate this into your current walking program. The next week, I still ran only 30 seconds each interval, but increased it to four running intervals in each workout. At this point, if you don't have any pain in your knees or ankles, I would say start with week 1 of the program. If a week seems too hard, either repeat it, or go back to the previous week and start again with that one. Take it slow and steady. If you have pain (other than typical muscle soreness) go back to walking for a week, or back to a previous week. Take it slow to avoid injuries and you should be just fine. Good luck! You can do it!!! :drinker:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    So, I've been a member of this site for a while, and have seen many posts re: couch to 5K. I've always wondered what it was, and finally did a google search. I'm definitely interested in this program, but am wondering how reasonable it is for me to try. I currently weigh 287 lbs, am 31 years old, I walk for 60 minutes four days a week, about 2.7 miles on varied terrain, and my "route" has many hills. I have the time to invest, but can anyone tell me if I am waaaaaay out of my league?

    Go for it. If you can walk that much over varied terrian I think you'll be fine, especially if you've been doing this walking an all kinds of weather. Just follow the program, and if you have to repeat a day or week that's fine too. However, in the middle part of the program you may feel that you can do a little extra, but don't. There's a reason the program is written that way it is.

    I finished the actual C25K Program a week ago, I currently weigh 285, and I've ran a 5K distance 6 times. My first 5K race is in 2.5 weeks.

    Even though tomorrow is Thanksgivng I'm getting up to run 5 more kilometer's in the morning! I'll be eating with very much a clear conceince tomorrow.
  • ClarkOMan
    ClarkOMan Posts: 54 Member
    Like some of the other post stated, you can go at your own pace. I suggest going really, really, REALLY slow to start out. I tried a few months ago. I had been bicycling about 12 miles 3 times a week and I still thought I needed the couch POTATO to 5K program. I went too fast and suffered from delayed onset muscle soreness the first week and a half. I was actually doing week 1 for the 4th time, and I was still cycling, and I added some stength stuff too. I was starting to feel really good, then I shook loose some kidney stones (ouch!!!). It was like hitting a stone wall for me. Anyway, I felt so good but haven't tried again since. I have been planning for a little while my next attempt at starting over is going to be Monday when my schedule gets back to normal. I'll cope with the next holiday when I get there. Some things that helped me were:

    1. Stretch Before AND After. I didn't do after to start and that hurt.

    2. Shower soon after and hit the muscles you used with cold as you can stand water for 30 sec. then hot as you can stand for 30 alternating to reduce soreness.

    3. I used Ullrey's podcasts to run to, but I started by walking all of it

    4. Caffene helped soreness a little.

    5. Find a thread on here for motivation.

    I hope we both can feel as good as I did before dropping those stones. You are not "out of your league" I'm 5'9" 270 today. and I'm ready to try again!.....and AGAIN if necessary! I hope to see your success here soon. :)
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Before you know it you'll do a marathon. I started running a year ago and finished chicago this past october. It's addictive and the marathon was THE best day of my life. GO FoR IT! My pic on mfp is from the best day of my life, by the way.. :)
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    My cross country trainer always told me if you can walk, you can run.

    You just gotta believe in yourself, and start slow :)