little progress after sixty years old

cruisediva Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Is there anyone else out there who eats less than 1200 calories a day, drinks at least 8 glasses of water each day, exercises faithfully and still does not show positive movement toward a healthy BMI? Nutritionally, I focus on whole grain foods, lots of veggies and lean protein. I have eliminated all sugar and "fake" sugar. I walk about 5 miles every day. I attend 4 hours of group exercise classes that include step aerobics and weight training. I have tried eating more calories. The result is weight gain. If you are experiencing the same frustration, I would love to hear any words of wisdom you offer.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    MFP suggests that you eat no less than 1200 calories a day plus some or all of the calories you burn with the exercise you do. have you tried that?
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I would definitely recommend you up your calories to at least 1200 a day. Read these posts - These are copied from the "Newbies - please read these" that Banks posted in the General weight loss section. I think they'd help you understand why you might not be losing weight, especially the 1st one.
  • Hi,
    That does sound frustrating! Have you tried having your thyroid checked out? That could be a factor. Sometimes hormonal imbalances can cause your weight not to budge. Stress is also a major factor in weight gain. If you're stressed that may be a problem. Yoga is great for that, trade something high impact for a yoga class (a nice slow one!)
    On the other hand what is a healthy BMI to one person is not necessarily to someone else. I think the whole thing is a load of bunk actually. it's good to be healthy. If you feel good, have good energy and are sleeping at night and you feel like you are eating enough than just stick with it. You may find that the weight will come off eventually. Or maybe you are at that ideal weight for you.
    Love what you got, your body is doing its best for you. Whatever else you need to happen will happen in its own time.

    good luck!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Are you just starting out on your weight loss goals? Personally, I always had so much trouble motivating myself to lose weight because I felt like I was doing ALL the right things and not seeing any progress on the scale. One time I just stuck with it, however, and even though the scale didn't budge for nearly a month, those results did eventually show up. You kind of shock your body when you start losing weight and exercising so you just need to give it time to adjust.

    If you are not just starting, I would second the advice to go get your thyroid checked and just see if there is anything medically responsible for the slow loss. If not, I'd eat exactly the calories suggested by including most, if not all, of your activity calories. Yes, you may initially see some weight gain, but once your system stabilizes itself you should be good to go!

    EDITED to add: Just found this in my e-mail box from Exact same question you have :) Why Haven't I Lost Weight?
  • I recommend this great blog... its they talk about all sorts of stuff health and fitness related
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