anyone ever used



  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Yes I have.
    I met my hubby december 06 on there
    been together almost 6 years married 2

    i only met one or two real scum bags before him
    you just have to be really selective for sure
    i always brought a friend or two on my dates LOL (had them sit close by just incase something went wrong)
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Give it a little time, because the trend is for the creeps to wait for new people to sign up and email them immediately. In a week or two, you won't be a newbie and then you'll start to see a better mix of responses. I've been on there several months now and there will always be creeps and some only looking for hookups, but I've also talked to and met really nice, normal people too.
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    i've used it before

    i take most things on there with a pinch of salt

    most ppl use POF because they dont wanna buy a girl a drink on an evening out, but girls/women can be just as bad

    be sure to set your privacy (mine was no intimate encounters, no drugs, no married, live within 75 miles and must have picture) - im a firm believer that if you dont have a pic, ur hiding something, usually a partner or kids
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I went on there once when my husband and I were seperated and I had filed for a divorce... I only went on there looking for a friend to talk to though. Wasn't looking for a relationship. Started talking to this one guy, hung out with him and we ended up in a serious relationship... I was in love with him. Obviously were not together now (my choice) but yeah. There is hope on there. Lots of guys that only want one thing, but there are genuine guys too.
  • cakelady69
    cakelady69 Posts: 228
    Thanks everyone. I will have to check my settings again. I thought I have it all set up right. But I guess I'm lucky finding all the wrong ones on there. I have been on paid sites before and had some good dates. Just figured I would try something else. :ohwell:
  • ksouthards
    I have an account. Most of the time I end up hiding it when too many weirdos are responding. I shut off the option for immediate chat, because it just pops up and I find that most annoying. Have yet to meet anyone off there, but I'm not a real serious dater, just cruising the water to see what sort of "fish" are out there. lol
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    I have. It can be a site for just hooking up or for longterm lasting relationships. I work late nights and bar nights and I don't like the bar to begin with, so I used it. I met my boyfriend on there and we've been together nearly a year. We live together. And plan to get married.
  • wtfusernameisnttaken
    It's hit and miss. Just screen the people you meet really well, talk to them via internet chat for a while, and see if you have much in common. Also, when you meet for the first time, take safety precautions, meet in a very public place, park in a well populated area, and have a friend call you through the night to check on you. My mom used the site and met plenty of D-bags.... for every one decent dude on there, there's about 20 who are scum.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    I met the most amazing girl there a while back. Amazing woman. give it a shot.

    However, the quality of most girls there is very low. That is why guys just want hook ups. Very few women on that site are worth more than that. You really have to search to find the good ones.
  • Forensikchic
    Forensikchic Posts: 20 Member
    I found my husband on POF. He is the sweetest guy. We have been married for 5 years now. There are a lot of people that are just looking for sex, but you can spot them pretty easily and not respond to them. My sister also had good luck with the sight as well. Its not all bad and I am thankful for it everyday. Tammi
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Just wondering. Is it a site for just hooking up? I have been on for about 4 days and out of the 20 guys I have spoke to, about half are already trying to take it far. I mean not wanting to get to know about each other, just wanting to move straight to the dirty stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude by any means. But I have it set that I'm looking for a relationship and not just hook ups. Just wondering other people's experiences.
    I would say its 99% douche bags but there's that 1% that linger around there that are ok. I've met a few people from the site and became good friends with them. You just have to have your douche radar up when you're using it.
  • chubbygirlslim82
    I have used POF...I have had some not so good experiences myself. I get pervs and creeps, even when I state in my profile what I'm not looking for. After reading the comments from other's I think I will give it another shot. I know that he's out here somewhere.
  • caseyjade88
    caseyjade88 Posts: 89 Member
    I used POF before, before I was married. I didn't meet my husband online though. I had several guys contact me who were just creeps, but my gut instinct always told me who they were (even if they didn't mention anything of it). I did meet some great guys on there. I went on a date with one of the guys, who had to meet my father before taking me anywhere (safety reasons, haha). He was super sweet and we had a super amazing time...probably the most romantic date I'd ever been on. I fell for him rather quick, however after several months he began to cheat on me. Two other guys I met on there, I am still friends with...and they're really amazing guys. So I wouldn't say that it's a terrible site, but you have to be careful. Talk to these guys for a very long time, and if they mention sex more than once before you even meet (I'd talk for at least a month or two first) then I would stay away from him.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    POF is as bad as Craigslist for dating. Do yourself a favor and go to a paid site. Do you really want to date a man who isn't willing to pay for a dating service? Um no. :)
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Its like with any other site you will get all kinds of people good and bad. You have to have your own filter to figure out who is worth meeting and who isnt. I have had good and bad experiences, Know what to ask and what to ignore.
    trash and quality people are everywhere... Know what you want and hold out for that..
    My mom told me you have to kiss a lot of frogs to meet a prince, I figure if their warts show I dont have to kiss them..
    You may have to go on a lot of dates to meet any quality people.
    Many are saying to go for a pay site, I have been on those and I saw all of the same people on all of them.,
  • LifeChanginExp
    I found everything I needed right here on MFP.

    Yea? Are u satisfied with what you found?
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    AlotOfSweatAndPain Posts: 234 Member
    I found everything I needed right here on MFP.

    Yea? Are u satisfied with what you found?

    Very :heart:
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    POF is awful.

    Some of the profiles made me worry about the state of humanity.
  • PattieCakes23
    I found everything I needed right here on MFP.

    Yea? Are u satisfied with what you found?

    Very :heart:

    Awwww :flowerforyou:
  • bradp1979
    bradp1979 Posts: 154 Member
    I signed up, never figured out how to use it. lol. I decided to just find a girlfriend the old fashioned way. Been single for over a year and still looking, but the sites like POF (and the few paid ones I was on) have been zero help.