turkey day gitters

I ate once already today and im trying to resist eating a whole bunch more... tips anyone?


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Drink some water...Take a walk, jump on your bike, play with your dog ( no dog? "Borrow" a neighbor's:smile:) Take a dog for a walk. Drink some more water....

    If you live somewhere where the weather sucks, like where I am today in the "Pacific Northwet"-- read a book, do a puzzle, do an exercise video. Drink some more water... No exercise videos?--if you have on demand service through your cable provider, you can pull up exercise videos online and do one or more of them. Drink some water...

    If you are craving something and you know it is not physical hunger, drink some water, distract yourself with one of the above activities or something else that you can think of, and if you are still craving the same thing, allow yourself a SMALL portion of it.

    If you are physically hungry, and apple and some string cheese will satisfy you without doing much calorie damage.

    Good luck and have a happy day!!:flowerforyou:
  • singcoz528
    Honestly, I take one cheat day a month. This month it's today, next month it will be Christmas. I know it says I haven't lost much weight yet but I was on here a year ago before my pregnancy and lost 40 lbs.

    Looking forward to my cheat day every month kept me on track for the rest of the month. Trying to resist Turkey dinner would honestly just be miserable for me because I know I would end up cheating and then feeling bad. Therefore I call today my cheat day and no guilt!

    Good Luck!