What abdominal exercises work best?



  • jojoballs
    Well it depends. If you have stomache fat then you would want to stop all crunches and sit-ups and just do cardio (eliptical is great for burning fat calories). If you dont have that much fat, then you would obviously do alot of sit-ups. The best kinds of sit-ups are twisting sit-ups. If you dont know what that is, Its where you twist to your left or right as your sitting up. But the trick is to twist to your left, then without going down, twist to your right, then complete your sit-ups. This technique works for like 90% of people who do it.
  • amhalterman
    amhalterman Posts: 63 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    A lot of people will tell you that the best way to get abs is through heavy weight lifting, which I agree with. However, if you want to work your abs separately this is the workout I do. I have noticed a difference since starting it 2-3 times a week. Most of the time after an ab workout my abs aren't sore, but with this one I am always sore afterwards. I love it! If you don't know some of the exercises, google them. The whole workout only takes about 10 minutes.


  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Well it depends. If you have stomache fat then you would want to stop all crunches and sit-ups and just do cardio (eliptical is great for burning fat calories). If you dont have that much fat, then you would obviously do alot of sit-ups. The best kinds of sit-ups are twisting sit-ups. If you dont know what that is, Its where you twist to your left or right as your sitting up. But the trick is to twist to your left, then without going down, twist to your right, then complete your sit-ups. This technique works for like 90% of people who do it.

    I disagree with this. You don't have to wait to start doing ab work until you have a certain amount of fat. Strength training is good at ANY bodyfat percentage. You just won't SEE all your results until you reach a certain bodyfat %, but that's true with all muscle groups, not just abs.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    I agree and want to do ab work, but, embarrassingly enough, find my stomach gets in the way. Looking for ab work that I can do until my stomach is smaller and I can do a true crunch. For now, I just do a crunch where my shoulder blades come off the floor 1-2 inches.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I personally think planks are the best for working your core.

    However I will mention, and I'm sure it's been mentioned before me, doing ab work is not going to make you lose your stomach fat... it will work your muscles but it does nothing to the fat that's covering it up. Stay in a deficit, and it should go away. :)
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    A lot of people will tell you that the best way to get abs is through heavy weight lifting, which I agree with. However, if you want to work your abs separately this is the workout I do. I have noticed a difference since starting it 2-3 times a week. Most of the time after an ab workout my abs aren't sore, but with this one I am always sore afterwards. I love it! If you don't know some of the exercises, google them. The whole workout only takes about 10 minutes.


  • DetroitKilljoy
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    A lot of people will tell you that the best way to get abs is through heavy weight lifting, which I agree with. However, if you want to work your abs separately this is the workout I do. I have noticed a difference since starting it 2-3 times a week. Most of the time after an ab workout my abs aren't sore, but with this one I am always sore afterwards. I love it! If you don't know some of the exercises, google them. The whole workout only takes about 10 minutes.


    This is great!! Got anymore images like this with exercise ideas?? Love it!! :glasses:
  • hiitrocks
    hiitrocks Posts: 100
    can someone tell me what an oblique v up is? Is it like a side crunch with straight leg?
  • DetroitKilljoy
    I did a quick youtube search and this one gives a good example I think. I haven't done one yet because...well, I just started. Here you go though:


    Does anyone have anything on getting flat abs over bulky abs? I'm a woman and I don't really want to look like a body builder but more lean and fit. Thanks!
  • texas_cutie75
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    P90X Ab Ripper X...but you really need to do the entire program and eat very well to see the results I've gotten so far..
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    Core exercises like planks, also the can-can, jack knife, leg lifts
  • Money2005
    Money2005 Posts: 51 Member
    I like this!!!
  • hiitrocks
    hiitrocks Posts: 100
    thank you!
  • medicinemantoo
    "burpies", bend-and-thrust, whatever you want to call them; while this exercise will work much more of your body, your core cannot help but tighten up and work with the rest of your body and you'll see results from your knees to your "t's" faster than anything. :-)
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Hanging toe to bar leg raises