people with thyroid problems, how much weight will i gain?

this friday i am due to take the radioactive iodine treatment to kill off my thyroid. i have graves disease, which mean my thyroid is extremely over active. any way, i am very worried that once i get this done and my thyroid is gone and no longer working, i am going to gain tons and tons of weight. i'm very body conscious. i can not gain that much weight. i will be so depressed. my doctor said after 3 months, he could start me on the medication to replace my thyroid hormones. is that just as good as the natural hormones your body makes? once i'm on the meds to replace the hormones will my metabolism be good, where i can still lose weight if i'm dieting and exercising. i'm just scared that with out my thyroid no matter how hard i try i won't be able to lose weight any more. people say that once i'm on the medication i should be fine. but then you hear all the stories about people saying no matter what they do they can't lose weight, even while on hormone replacement medication. people stories and experiences would be very much appreciated. any one here have radioactive iodine to kill off your thyroid. how much weight did you gain after. and were you able to lose weight when on the proper meds. thanks so much.


  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I was born with my thyroid not working (underdeveloped and never made its own T4) and have been on synthetic T4 since 23 months old. When I was young and active I had no problems with my weight and was in middle of healthy range throughout early adulthood.

    I gained weight when mine went wrong in my early thirties (conversion problems) but once they got my levels right and despite having mobility problems by then I still managed to lose weight albeit slowly at first.

    I went up to 16st but I've managed to get back down to 9st 7 despite fact I've needed wheelchair to get around the last 7 years so if you are fully mobile and can exercise you shouldn't have any problems losing any weight you gain.

    Can you control your diet more whilst you go through the treatment? Treat yourself to some exercise stuff for home if you can't afford to go to a gym. It should reduce the amount you go up by if you stay active throughout and watch what you eat and help you get any weight back off quicker.

    Good Luck.
  • MCsAngel2
    MCsAngel2 Posts: 49 Member
    You seem to have a very high level of anxiety at the idea of gaining any weight, based on past posts. On this topic alone, you seem extremely concerned since you have posted about it at least 3 times in the last couple of weeks - since no one here is legitimately qualified to give you medical advice, I suggest you take your specific questions to your doctor. Have you not already mentioned your concerns to him/her? Also consider you may find it helpful to deal with the anxiety by talking to a therapist who specializes in weight issues. You may find it much more effective than medication. Best of luck to you.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    You will be put on a synthetic thyroid and it may take a little while for them to find the right balance for you. You will have to have your levels checked often at first and then one to two times a year unless you get pregnant or start having symptoms suggesting that you need you doesage changed. You probably will gain a little weight if you are anything like my two cousens that both had they look healthy instead of like they have been hitting the meth pretty heavy. They really looked bad because of the Graves and now they are both doing well. Your health should be your biggest concern, not just how you look. I will admit that after my thyroid crashed and I gained a lot of weight (before it was diagnosed and treated) my weight was a major concern and I had a bit of a stuggle getting things sorted out. Now that they have me on two meds and not just one, the extra weight that I gained is coming off quite well. But I was already at a healthy weight before my thyroid crashed and I'm only 5'2" so 35 to 40 lbs was a huge thing for me. If you are under weight now...then it will hopefully help you get and stay at a healthy weight long term. If you are stressed that much about even the idea of gaining a few lbs, then talk to your doctor NOW! Also I will add that some of your feelings that you are having may be amplified by the Graves so after that is taken care of you might not feel as emotional.
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    Hi! Don't worry! I am hypothyroid and have figured out a weight to lose the weight that I gained and keep it off. It was tough for me even though I was on synthroid and doctors rarely know how to help people with weight loss. I feel so much better. It is possible.
  • Phonna
    Phonna Posts: 5
    Workoutgirl23... I know the anxiety that you are facing. I had graves disease and also had a highly over active thyroid. I weighed 110 lbs soaking wet but I was very sick and I understand the reasons for the doctor giving me the iodine treatment. Unfortunately for me the first dose of the iodine treatment did not work it had the reverse effect where I lost even more weight and went as low as 102 lbs. I looked horrid, anorexic but I wasn't because I did eat ... but nothing stayed in me. So they did the dose again but this time they decided to double the dose which again unfortunately for me caused an even bigger problem. In some ways the treatment worked but it was too much for my body and I went from 102 lbs to 220 lbs in less than 3 months. I was now considered to have Hypothyroidism. This happened nearly 6 years ago now ... the doctor's put me on synthetic thyroid medication and I continued to eat healthy, exercise and everything that I used to do. But as the damage to my body was so great I've only been able to lose a small amount of weight. As the doctor's feel that there really isn't anything else for them to do for me, they have dropped me as a patient and I'm now left on my own to try and figure out how and if there is a way to lose weight.
    My advice to you is to discuss with your doctor in detail and do as much research as you possibly can to ensure that you will be satisfied at the end of your treatment. I know that what happened to me is not the norm and please don't feel that something like this could happen to you. It was unfortunate for me that I first didn't do research or ask questions and my doctor failed to provide me with the relevant information required.
    Good luck to you, I'm sure you will be fine and all will work out.
  • nellyb2011
    nellyb2011 Posts: 167 Member
  • RunmyOregon.....May I ask what two meds they have you on?? I am on only one (Levothyroxine) and I eat next to nothing for my weight (310 lbs) and I am already at a plateau with my weight loss since December Ive only lost 10 lbs nothing else. I am curious if I shouldnt talk to my doctor about adding another med??