breastfeeding & weight loss?

I have a 2 month old son who I am solely breastfeeding. To my understanding, I lose about 500 calories a day just from that. I'm wondering if there is any good advice on how many calories I should take in to nourish him properly and still lose weight? Right now I'm taking in about 1200 a day but my fiance' doesn't think that's enough so Im thinking about upping it to 1500. I don't think there is a problem because my son is a real chubby baby so he's growing right :). Any advice on this helps! Thanks !


  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I agree with your fiance. I lost a substantial amount of weight while dieting and breastfeeding even though I had extra cheese for extra kj, calcium etc. I would imagine your body will slowly be stripped of essential nutrients etc if you don't allow for the breastfeeding. Best of luck.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    When I was breast feeding, I added it in under food. Its in there. I pumped solely, so I added in 20 cals per ounce pumped. Or you can just add 500 cals. 1200 is not enough and will effect your milk supply.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Well firstly, congrats on your baby! I would strongly recommend to lose no more than 1 pound a week, and adding in the calories for breastfeeding either in your food diary or as a custom exercise. I've been losing around a pound every 5 days, eating at least 2400 calories a day, frequently over 3000 with my exercise.
    eta - I'm 5'7.5"btw, cw 175
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member

    You'll actually add this under the food portion of your diary, not the exercise portion.
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    My baby is 4 mos and I eat 2000/day and deduct 500 for EBF. I've lost all my baby weight already! :smile:
  • Lazychu
    Lazychu Posts: 16
    If you have a look on the is some good, evidence based information on being and weight loss. Agree with the others, more than a pound a week isn't recommended. Don't forget the old saying, it takes 9 months to go on so 9 months to come off. Don't worry and enjoy your baby.
  • Thank you all so much for the good info! :) great to know I can add breastfeeding on here-I did not know. I just kept mental note and never even thought about effect on my supply! Thanks everyone <3
  • Lazychu
    Lazychu Posts: 16
    Did you manage to have a look at the information on kellymom Caitie?
  • yes, very helpful! thank you :happy:
  • Lazychu
    Lazychu Posts: 16
    That's ok, have you thought of joining a buggy fit class too? X
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,473 Member
    Have you tried just eating normally, according to your appetite? I did when I was breastfeeding and I ended up lighter than before I was pregnant WITHOUT dieting (and I'd put on over 50 lb while pregnant). It's lovely that you are breastfeeding and that your baby is doing so well :).
  • amandamarievth
    amandamarievth Posts: 3 Member
    I am one of the dunces who have been consuming too few calories last week, lost 3lbs, and my boobs are limp, baby is eating all the time and not satisfied. I am immediately upping my calories and changing my goal to 1800 calories per day. Thanks for posting this as I found the links from other replies quite helpful. Just sharing my experience to validate what everyone is saying. My baby is not napping as well the last 2 days because her belly isnt as full and she is constantly nursing, super fail on my end.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Another thing, poor nutrition while breastfeeding is heII on your teeth!
  • What's a buggy fit class? Never heard of it. And yeah, I have decided to slightly moniter my calories, but mostly just eat healthy when I'm hungry. Baby is 2 months & 3 weeks and in the 85th percentile for weight at 14.3 lbs! My lil fatty :)
  • Not sure if you are in the UK, if you are the details for buggyfit are here

    Amanda, how old is your baby? Could it just be a growth spurt? Could your boobs just feel less full because your body had now learnt how much milk to produce? Have you read "What affects the amount of calories and fat in Mom's Milk?" here
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I used to be a La Leche League leader and nursed each of my kids 3 years.

    Both LLL and my doctor said I should worry about eating really well, exercising, and SLEEPING for the first few months. Don't try to lose the weight too quickly - it's not good for you, it will make you tired and grumpy. And the nursing will help the weight come off if you don't overeat.

    If you log and eat the amount of calories you need to lose maybe half a pound a week, you'll have a low deficit and still lose. At that point you can up to a pound or so a week if you still need to.

    For me, it took six months to get all the pregnancy weight off. And then I took weight off for a couple more years. As an adult, I have never weighed less than I did while I was nursing. Best and healthiest weight loss program ever!

    BTW, you can let MFP calculate your weight loss and just add in 500 calories in exercise for nursing.
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    Congratulations on your new little bundle of joy and for BREASTFEEDING. I'm a Registered Midwife in Canada. I never recommend less than 1500 cals per day when breastfeeding. When you crash diet, either with diet or exercise or both your milk actually changes. The toxic load that you carry is released into your milk and directly into your brand new baby. Here is the supporting research and recommendations from the World Alliance for Breastfeeding.

    I hope this helps. Keep up the good work and give yourself 9-12 months to lose the baby weight. The long term health of your baby depends on it.
  • I have nursed 3 babies and I never dropped the weight until I stopped nursing, then the weight just melted off. That saying I have to follow a very strict diet when nursing as my kids all have severe food allergies. Just eat healthy and dont worry too much about calories! Your baby is only a nursling for a short time!