Deficit and Supplements

This may sound like a stupid question. But, I am new to the game of health and weightloss and have a couple of questions....

What kind of supplements should I take??

Should I be eating the calories I get from excersing or should that be part of my deficit?

Thanks :)


  • TLCkirby
    TLCkirby Posts: 12
    can't help with the supplements part of the questions, but you should definitely be eating most (if not all) of you exercise calories back! Make sure you NET at least 1200 calories a day.

    MFP already calculates a deficit in your calories without taking exercise into account!

  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    What kind of supplements should I take??

    If you have to ask that question then the answer is, none.

    Get your diet nailed first and get results through real food before you think about supplements.
  • Erin5381
    Erin5381 Posts: 16 Member
    Good to know :) Thanks :)