What did you gorge on?

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
This is a completely non-judgemental thread. Thanksgiving is a day for celebrating everything in this world we have to be thankful for, and one of those things in my head is the ability to feast once a year with my family. So I ate a ton. For everyone else who did the same - what did you eat today? :)

I started with a bowl of cereal and milk for breakfast. I snacked on nuts all day, and water up until thanksgiving dinner. For dinner?

Baked Ziti
Mashed potatoes
Sweet potato streusel
mixed veggies
2 rolls with butter
Chow-chow (PA Dutch dish, basically pickled veggies)
2 dill pickles
Cold pumpkin soup (oh my god this was incredible)
Blueberry tea
2 glasses of Tawny Port wine

And yes, I went back for seconds on ziti, and chow chow :)

For dessert?
A slice of pecan pie
A tiny slice of apple pie my aunt made (!!!!!!)
A thin slice of pumpkin roll
and a cup of earl grey tea with milk, and a teaspoon of honey

Now I am totally stuffed, and probably will be for about 2 days. I'll do my best to take a chunk out of it with running, but honestly I regret nothing. It was wonderful to spend time with my family. How about the rest of you? What'd you have for dinner??


  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Cajun fried turkey (white meat only and no skin)
    Collard greens with sauteed peppers and garlic
    Mashed sweet potatoes
    Baked macaroni and cheese
    Turtle pumpkin pie
    Green bean casserole

    Since we hosted and I was the chef, everything except dessert was fairly healthy. My belly's full and I have no regrets at all.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Cajun fried turkey (we ordered it, no way I was trying that myself)
    Collard greens with sauteed peppers and garlic
    Mashed sweet potatoes
    Baked macaroni and cheese
    Turtle pumpkin pie
    Green bean casserole
    Rolls (on the menu but I skipped it)

    Since we hosted and I was the chef, everything except dessert was fairly healthy. Took the skin off my turkey and it was still delicious. My belly's full and I have no regrets at all.

    That turtle pumpkin pie and collard greens sound awesome! :)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Cajun fried turkey (we ordered it, no way I was trying that myself)
    Collard greens with sauteed peppers and garlic
    Mashed sweet potatoes
    Baked macaroni and cheese
    Turtle pumpkin pie
    Green bean casserole
    Rolls (on the menu but I skipped it)

    Since we hosted and I was the chef, everything except dessert was fairly healthy. Took the skin off my turkey and it was still delicious. My belly's full and I have no regrets at all.

    That turtle pumpkin pie and collard greens sound awesome! :)

    Oh, they were good...I did the greens differently and it was the first time I'd made that pie but they are both keepers!
  • Ok since we are being honest......Dressing
    Sweet Potato Casserole
    Corn (from my mother's garden)
    Crowder Peas (from my mother's garden)
    Potato Salad
    2 homemade yeast rolls
    Pumpkin cake w/cream cheese icing

    By the way I have never heard of Turtle pumpkin pie but I can only imagine what it taste like. I bet it has caramel and pecans, and I would love a piece. Anyway I could get the recipe?
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Carrot Cake
    pound cake with butter cream icing
    Sweet potato custard/souffle
    macaroni pie (macaroni and cheese)
    green beans
    more ham
    more carrot cake
    more sweet potato souffle

    There was a continuous salty sweet battle. You have ham then you need something sweet to counteract.:bigsmile:
  • I really did not gorge on anything but I ate things I normally would have past on. I did eat a small portion of banana pudding and a slice of friendship cake they were so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey everyone and Happy Thanksgiving. I started my day with 3 Jimmy Dean Sausage. For lunch I had
    Glazed Ham
    Sauerkraut and Kielbasa
    Sweet Potato Casserole
    Oyster Dressing
    Mashed potatoes
    one Dinner roll
    more ham
    more kielbasa
    pumpkin pie

    for dinner I had
    more ham
    more kielbasa
    more pumpkin pie

    OMG :sick:

    then I walked a mile
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    All I can say is I feel sick. I don't even know what I ate but I know I ate a lot more than my tummy is used to handling... my favorite was the pumpkin crumble thing that my aunt made.... mmmm

    ~Leash v:heart:
  • I had spinach dip. I still drank a diet soda and didn't have any dessert, but good Lord the spinach dip was sooooo good I couldn't say no.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I had dinner at a friend's house. She did the turkey and made her infamous yams with apricots and brandy, and had a relish tray with baby corn, pickles, and olives, and chose the wine, a great chardonnay. It was from California (she moved from there 5 yrs ago) and we are in Washington, so I got a laugh by announcing we were drinking "foreign" wine!!:laugh:

    I did green beans, brought healthy whole grain dinner rolls with cranberries in them; mashed potatoes mixed with cauliflower; salad was coleslaw with salad shrimp and pineapple, My mom, at 93 years young, made her wonderful wild rice with mushroom and sausage stuffing, and supervised the making of the gravy, as our hostess said she was "culinarily challenged" in this area.

    We had pumpkin pie AND chocolate cake for dessert (with vanilla ice cream)--in honor of my dad's 83rd birthday, which happened to be today!!

    I had a little of everything, but no seconds. We held off on dessert to let things "settle." So it gave us a chance to visit. My mom and our hostess are both originally from BC, Canada, and ironically, they both emigrated to the US when they were about the same age, though for my mom, it was considerably EARLIER than for my friend, who is in her 50's.

    They had some shared experiences, and I heard a story I had not thought of in years. My mom got out of the Royal Canadian Air Force at the end of WWII and hitch hiked from Vancouver, BC to California:noway: with another female friend (both in their military uniforms, which they were allowed to wear for a month after discharge). She spent a somewhat wild night in Portland with some of her cousins, and they also visited another relative in LA who worked in the offices of a radio network. They even made it to Tijuana.

    It sounded like great fun, but you certainly couldn't hitch hike safely now!!:grumble:

    I also enjoyed hearing my parents reminisce about their travels by canal boat in Great Britain and France. As I said earlier in another post, I am truly blessed to have both of them still with me, and even though there are a lot of other things in my life that are not going well, I am thankful for this.

    If I "gorged" on anything today, it was probably enjoyment of the moment.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: But I am still planning an extra long walk tomorrow morning.,:laugh:
  • Dinner:
    turkey breast
    dressing with gravy
    cheese spaghetti (yummy homemade version of mac n cheese)
    candied yams
    candied pumpkin
    string beans
    cranberry sauce
    black olives

    coconut cream pie
    dulce de leche ice cream

    I am very full but I am very proud of the portions I chose. Usually I feel completely over stuffed as if I need to throw up.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    well I had egg whites and wheat toast for breakfast, then I went to the gym and burned 700 calories.

    I had banana bread with chocolate chips

    two glasses of wine


    mashed potatos


    1 roll with butter
    thats it. one plate, after that I was and still am so full that I didnt even have pumpkin pie or cheesecake.

    And let me say, My body is NOT use to this food!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Gym/cardio for an hour in the a.m. then...

    Turkey white meat,
    The best ham on the planet
    Green bean casserole
    Instead of mashed potatoes, I made mashed seasoned cauliflower and it came out great!
    Gluten free gravy
    2 slices of sweet potatoe pie with whipped cream
    half glass of wine

    and then a 25 minute power walk around the block....

    I love Thanksgiving!
  • Agree with Tamishumate that my body is not used to eating like this! But I knew Thanksgiving was going to be all about the food, and knew I was going to eat what I'd been WAITING ALL YEAR FOR!! Lol! I wish I'd thought to go to the gym first, as you did, Tami. Maybe next year.

    I ate one full plate (last year, I would've had 2) of:

    Turkey (my favorite - thigh meat)
    one roll w butter
    cranberry salad
    sweetpotatoes with marshmellow

    I was so stuffed! Then my wonderful mother in law encouraged me to go for a 45 minute brisk walk with her (I would have laid out on the couch instead until ready for pie). When we returned, my wonderful husband had DONE THE DISHES!!!! and I ate:

    big slice of pecan pie
    tiny slice of pumpkin pie
  • I didn't "gorge" or anything, but I had some turkey, small amount of mashed/sweet potatoes, vegetables like corn, green beans, green bean caserola, salad, whole grain roll, fruit sugarless jello, and for dessert a Hummingbird Cupcake.

    I had a lot, but in small portions so my meal wasn't bad at all, just very varied.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I didnt gorge, per se but can someone PLEASE come and get this fresh loaf of sourdough bread and stick of butter my son left here??? :sad:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :blushing: had to come back because my daughter read my post and said:huh:

    I gorged on my homemade turkey sausage stuffing............:love:

    Throughout the day I can bet I ate 3 cups.......easy:blushing:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Cajun fried turkey (white meat only and no skin)
    Collard greens with sauteed peppers and garlic
    Mashed sweet potatoes
    Baked macaroni and cheese
    Turtle pumpkin pie
    Green bean casserole

    Since we hosted and I was the chef, everything except dessert was fairly healthy. My belly's full and I have no regrets at all.

    Regrets, I have a few
    But then again, too few to mention
    I need a singy smiley for this one...........:laugh:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    honestly, I don't think I did as bad as I expected...

    I had ALOT of turkey...
    Mashed potatoes
    cranberry sauce..
    NO rolls this year!! Yay, That was a BIG accomplishment!
    and HALF of Mrs. Smiths Apple pie...
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm right there with the rest of you who referred to yesterday as "not gorging" but eating stuff that I normally would not have since joining MFP and trying to loose weight. I did decide not to weigh myself until next Tuesday and what ever it is update my ticker.

    I ate ham, green beans, rolls, mashed potatos, spumoni, chips and dip (called it dinner) and a few cookies. My splurge was the 1 cup of mashed potatos smothered in green chile instead of butter.

    While it might sound weird chile (red or green) really doesn't have a lot of calories.

    Here's to all the extra excercise we will all be doing this weekend:drinker:

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