So...what do you like to do for fun?

Just curious.


  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Run, XBOX, play with my kids, watch TV.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Play guitar
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    Fun???? What's fun? I think I work too much :grumble:. When I do have time, I like to read and listen to music. Luckily I can listen to music at the full time job :wink:
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    I've just taken up handcycling and I'm finding it to be a blast! 'Course, I would get into an outdoor hobby now that summer's winding down and the days are getting shorter. :\
  • I ride my recumbient exercise bike while watching "Audiosurf" videos on YouTube. Even though I'm watching someone else play the game, the music makes me forget I'm even exercising. :)
  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    I'm pretty boring - watch a lot of HGTV - that is when I'm not at my full time job or working out or dealing with my hubby and 4 kids. HGTV is my world away from the world! In fact Property Brothers are on right now! :)
  • Watch cooking shows. Go for skates outdoors. Annoy my cats. Sing badly and annoy my neighbours. Take bus rides with my step kids.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Blog - Drink Fancy Beer - Be Awesome. Not necessarily in that order.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    Go to events.

    Watch Law and Order SVU

    Play on
  • WhatAgirl_
    WhatAgirl_ Posts: 151 Member
    spend time with family, shop and eat.... gosh I am such a fat *kitten*
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Play with my kitties.

    And no, that's not code for anything else. :laugh:
  • well for fun .. i like to watch movies .. lame.. yeah,whatever.
    i also LOVE reading, a bookworm over here. :) i enjoy learning new languages and currently improving my french language, i would also love to learn turkish language