Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's Week 11

Black Friday it is..... :)


  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Mornin green peppers....

    well, i braved the traffic, budger's, and shopping carts....6 stores later, and I am glad to be home! not done, but a good start and i really enjoyed myself! i will be tired early tonite as i only got bout 4 hrs of sleep......

    ok, my scale story....yesterday i purposely weighed myself just to help me be mindful in my day's eats....i was 186.2 ( down .4 from last Fri ) and this am I was 187.6 ( up 1.4 from yesterday ). well, i know what i need to do, and i am just glad it wasn't 5, 6, 7, heck, 10 lbs! i know if i am very careful with my diet and get in some activity, i will be down next week. i am kinda excited, and yeah, in a good mood ( swingin high right now, and ready to beat that nasty low ). i know i stated i would like to be at 173 by Xmas, but likey that won't happen. so, i will just do my best, and try to get some flab toned and tummy lost.

    way to go Jacque and Crystal! you both inspire me! i am not looking forward to another feast tomorrow, but hopefully it will only be one meal not two!

    good luck to the rest and hope everyone enjoys this holiday of Thanks!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I once again stayed the same this week (LW 176 lbs.) (CW 176 lbs.)

    I had a crazy hectic week again ... I'm not sure what's with that but I'm still riding the ride ... I only did about 120 minutes of exercise this week at the gym and my eating was what I could grab during my busy days. It was really quite odd how many things were challenging ... machines breaking down, cars breaking down, my back going out ... no wonder I'm pooped. Well I bought a new car so no more breakdowns there I hope ... this week is a new week ... here's to getting back to my normal schedule.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I hope all had a nice Thanksgiving. Happy holiday shopping.....

    Well, it seems it wasn't the Thanksgiving dinner that did me in -- it was the church Thanksgiving breakfast, the large amount of popcorn when my family saw New Moon and perhaps the scout fundraiser items that was in the house (nuts, popcorn, chococate covered pretzels, raisins, that type of stuff).

    And let me add the Thanksgiving Eve chinese buffet

    And allow me to add I didn't do much exercise.... 100 minutes so .... this explains why my weight went to 170.4

    I leave on Sunday for a work trip. No one else from the office is attending so I think I'll have less "extra influences" on meals & drinks when eating out.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    it might look like i had a baby or am prego, but this is my niece, and i think i was near 205-210
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    not sure when this was taken, but ini the last 5 yrs i think, near 220.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    yikes, it was kinda scary puttin them pics on.....:noway: i know i have more that show me when i was heavier...will keep searchin'....

    gonna wait til tomorrow to post the chart, and hopefully a few more will report.

    dh and i put the tree up last nite and i pretty much did the rest of the house this am. have a few gifts to wrap, but more shopping to do. back to driving activities this week, wrestling. many of my Saturday's will be sittin @ I plan to take all my meals, snacks, my walkin shoes, and warm gear. love seein the sites of small towns in winter time!

    i think we will keep with the exercise challenge, i know it motivates me....but instead of minutes, i would like to aim for "x" amount of days in a week, and you can decide what your personal goal will be. doesn't matter how long you exercise for the challenge/wk/month ( but you can keep track for yourself if you wish ), I just would like us all to work harder on consistency, of course, when time and health allows us to do so.

    so, for me, it is going to be 5 days this week. if i go over, yay! if not, will just try to do it again next week.

    ** PLUS ** crystal had made a suggestion to submit and share a healthy recipe during the week. i know i would like this as i am always lookin and hungry for sumthin different! thanks for that idea girl!

    hope you are all having a fine Sunday and ready for a happy, healthy that takes you to wellness! :flowerforyou:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kelly, ok, I looked at my Germany vacation photos and thought - oh my - and not oh my in a good way. I would say I went on that trip the heavist post pregnancy. (my youngest son is now 10). I had accepted that was how I was in August then recently my penpal sent me some of her photos. And the oh my came back. Then I stepped on the scale after Thanksgiving -- oh my...

    Ok. I did lose 10lbs from August... then I gained back almost all of it.
    So, when I put on a pair of "thin" jeans on Saturday I wasn't expecting the zipper to close. To my great surprise, it did. Granted a little snug around waist but hey I wasn't able to wear them. In August I couldn't.... so I guess despite the pounds I put back on the inches did come off.

    I'm in Washington DC this week. I did do 30 minutes on the hotel treadmill today. I did look online and found a Curves location 2 miles away. I will call them to see if near a metro stop of if I need to do a taxi.

    Normally, I would have said, just walk the 2 miles; however, I'm not familiar w/this part of DC and it gets dark early. I'm not walking around in unfamiliar areas in the dark. I attempted that to find a place for dinner. Decided to head back to the hotel and I ate there.

    My oldest daughter has had some "nicer" days. She and I still have work to time... overnight changes are not going to happen.

    I'm hoping to not gain any more weight for December. If I lose that's great... I know December will be tough with several holiday parties. Actually, I'm estimating 1 per week (either work related, scout related or family/friends). So to not gain any more weight is my goal for December.

  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey All! Sorry that I have been MIA But the holiday is over and Im back.
    Havn't weighed myself after teh big day, but I didn't really eat much, because when it was time to eat I had already been to the wine bottle a few times:ohwell: Well a loss in food cals and a gain in crap cals I guess :) lol I never really srink, but i was at my friends house and brought a great bottle of wine to enjoy.
    And everyone ate up all the food, so there was no leftovers, good thing! but sad too as i always like to make turkey enchiladas for christmas or new years. and turkey soup and what not... oh well!
    My tummy has been funky the past few days so i am working on getting it straight. gonna go to the gym tomorrow if it is feeling right.
    Hubby called and said that hopefully he will be bad by this next weekend!?!?!?! I am very excited, but I don't think it will work out that way:( there always has to be some bad news to come...
    well Kelly you put up pictures! Very big difference girl! you are looing fab!
    I will be on here more now! I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and that they ar doing good!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    ** i see the chart is too large....will work on a smaller one! **
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Hello everyone!!! Happy Monday!!

    Thanksgiving was good, but as the weekend drug on it got harder and harder to keep the will power going. There is just too much junk food around my house b/c of DH. :angry: I’m just hoping that I can work hard enough through the week to keep from gaining.

    My exercise goal is to do some kind of work out 6 days a week. It can be cardio, yoga, or strength training. I went a few days without doing yoga and I was really stiff yesterday. I feel much better this morning since I took the time to do it.

    My oven is down, so it may be Friday before I get to try the new recipe I’ve picked out of the week.

    Kelly, I’ll have to check out the pics when I get home. The internet here at work has them blocked. I hate that.

    Barb, glad to hear that you had some nice days with your daughter. Good job on sticking with working out while you’re out of town. I don’t know that I would have the motivation.

    MissV, exciting to hear that your DH may be home soon!! How exciting!!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Oh!!! I'm starting C25K Week 3 today!!! :happy:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    happy Monday ladies.....hope you are all doing good and off to a great start to the week! :flowerforyou:

    i see that there are some who have not posted in a while....hope all is ok...we are thinking of you and missing you :heart: jump right on in when you get the time, we'd l ove to hear from you!

    i will be tallying the Thanksgiving Exercise Challenge next and then post it. Are you guys ok with the challenge i posted yesterday? let me know what you think, we can always change it or add another one. I'm up for anything to keep my going in the right direction here.

    i agree with gaining for December would have me at a better spot starting Jan 1st. :smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    yup, me again..just want to add that it is not to late to add your weigh in wt or exercise challenge minutes.....i'll take them whenever you can post them..

    well, this team has been going since Fri Sept 18., 2 mos, 11 days. i am quite upset with myself in losing wt and as of late, gaining, and now higher than my start wt in Sept. UGH! :noway: i need to re-focus and get back to change....slow and steady, one day at a time. i am going outdoors for a walk soon, and hope i can clear my mind as well.

    Miss V ~ nice avatar pic girl! :smooched: i too had some wine Sat w/my 3rd ThanksG meal. should have drank more and ate less! :bigsmile: oh, that is just great news bout your dh!! i am so happy for you and your girls! that is the bestest present!:heart:

    Barb ~ my wt is up too since Aug....but like you, inches gone. it kinda bothers me that i am a heavier wt, but smaller. i just don't like being this wt. glad things are going better for dd and you..hand in there.. wow , DC. are they all decked out for the holiday's? i have only been there in the summer months, would like to do NYC on New Year's some day...... have fun in the capitol and great for you to keep at the exercise while you are there!

    Crystal ~ here too, dh & ds's junk food everywhere...i look back and think, geez, how come i can do so good and then so horrible. i do much better when i plan our meals and prepare them ahead of time. need to get back doing that again. why do i always stop what works? :huh: change, change is so tough! woot woot there doing the C25K week 3! proud of you! :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    i will be tallying the Thanksgiving Exercise Challenge next and then post it. Are you guys ok with the challenge i posted yesterday? let me know what you think, we can always change it or add another one. I'm up for anything to keep my going in the right direction here.

    I had 239 minutes of exercise for last week. Just realized I never posted that!! I love the new exercise challenge idea. My goal is 6 days this week.
  • angiemcnett
    I have been out of town for Thanksgiving but I am back now. I am weighing in at 208 for last week and I had 685 minutes of exercise from 11/20 to 11/26. I gained 1 pound since my last OB appointment and my doctor has good with that. He said I am on track to stay within my weight gain range. Boy, it is going to be hard to stay on track if I don't exercise my butt off if I am supposed to gain only 1 pound a month for the next 2 - 3 months. I have to alter my strength training routine now because of the baby. I did good about not over eating over the Thanksgiving weekend. I should be glad I never made it to my family's Thanksgiving because I am sure I would have eaten way to much there. It is time to drag my sad body back to the gym for my 2nd workout. The joys of being unemployed, I get to spend my time at the gym. For all the time I spend at the gym I should be not obese by now but unfortunately I love food too much. Hope everyone is having a great day!:smile:
  • angiemcnett
    I like the exercise challenge. I am going to aim for 6 days a week since I normally do 5 days a week. I will make an attempt to do the new recipe challenge but I have not been in the mood to cook lately. Maybe this will motivate me to eat healthier and try new things. I have been feeling sad lately so I have been extra lazy about cooking.
  • jacque509
    Good Monday all!!
    hope you all had a great weekend. Went to the country with no internet for a couple of days and it was nice. Need to get back on track. So I am gonna aim for 6 days a week on the exercise challage.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey everyone -- greetings from my work trip in Washington DC. I went to the Curves location in Virginia after my course.

    Well, first I'm not familiar w/the metro stop, next I'm walking 6-8 blocks in the opposite direction. Oh by the way, in Curves you're supposed to "carry in" your workout shoes. So, I'm making this walk in 2.5 inch heels. Ok, let me state I'm usually in combat boots, sneakers, flip flops or in flats - basically "comfy" shoes. I only packed a pair of heels and sneakers for this trip. My feet are in pain right now. Not used to walking in heels .... hey, for my class I'm sitting all day and the hotel is across the street. I wasn't planning to walk distances in heels.

    At the Curves, I began to change into my workout clothes I realized I don't have my sneakers - left them in the hotel room - didn't put the sneakers in my backpack. So I'm doing this workout in my socks. I ended up going around the circuit in the opposite direction so I was in way of others. My shorts were baggy and got caught on equipment as I was trying to get off it..... what can I say I was a mess.....

    I'm hoping to make it back to Curves a little more prepared tommorrow. One of my dear friends called me while I was walking to Curves from the metro stop. He kept talking to me until I told him I had found the Curves. i would state he wanted to make sure I had got there safe. I am not familiar w/this part of town.

    Normally, I bring my workout stuff but don't really use the hotel gym. Normally, I get a travel pass for Curves but don't use it. This week I vowed if I found a Curves, I would attempt to go.

    Food wise, I did well for being away from home.
  • jacque509
    Good Tuesday ya all!!
    Well I walked last night for 35 min. Then I went shopping for 3 hours and walked all over Walmart, They change the design and I did not know where anything was! What a mess. So if its not raining I am gonna walk again tonight atotally love this cool weather.
    Ok here a good one for ya! They reported that we might get snow on Friday, that rarely happens in Houston so major WOW!! I know all you midwest and northern people get the real stuff all the time and probably too much of it too. But when it happens here we love it :smile: