Still havent lost a pound!!

Argh I still havent lost a single pound I dont understand I see all these other people losing pounds every week ....this will be coming up for my 3rd week here I dont understand what I am doing wrong I am trying to be healthy...could it be that after years of starving my body then eating ...that now I am following a proper diet that my body is trying to adjust to an intake of food.... did anyone else have a few weeks to wait before they lost a single pound I only need to lose 7 by the way..but I would be delighted to just lose 1 measly pound !


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Sorry if this sounds blunt but I just want to be honest so you can loose ASAP.

    You aren't tracking everyday and you are starving yourself. You body needs at least 1200 a day not 700 or 900 calories.

    Eat more, track more then you'll get results but also remember to that the closer we are to goal weight the slower it is. Best wishes.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Is there food which you aren't logging? You are logging less than 1000 calories each day.

    If the number at the bottom of your diary is need to add more food and eat it.

    If you aren't sure of the number of calories you should be eating then check out this thread.....

    If you can't/don't want to read that thread then at the very least....Do you have your goals set to lose 2lbs a week? If you only want to lose 7lbs total then change it to 1/2 lb loss a week

    Good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Sorry if this sounds blunt but I just want to be honest so you can loose ASAP.

    You aren't tracking everyday and you are starving yourself. You body needs at least 1200 a day not 700 or 900 calories.

    Eat more, track more then you'll get results but also remember to that the closer we are to goal weight the slower it is. Best wishes.
    This :O)
  • MsPika
    MsPika Posts: 7 Member
    Yep, your body is trying to hold on to fat. Deff eat the 1200 calories and exercise! Excercise will boost your metabolism also aim to do strength training as well as the more muscle you build the more fat you will burn. Remember tho that muscle will weigh more than fat so even if you are not seeing the scales drop much, measure yourself as you should be getting leaner and losing inches

    Good luck and eat little and often thats the advice I was given.

    Oh and I didnt lose a pound until 2 weeks of dieting and that was at 1200 calories plus eating back my exercise calories. I have lost half and inch tho on my bust, hips and waist....Im gonna keep doing those sit ups! :)

    Good luck

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Also I don't see any exercise logged. Are you doing any? If not then walking is a great way to burn calories or find something you love to do.

    When you do track EVERYTHING you eat weigh it or measure.

    You probably should up your protein and drop the carbs quite a bit.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    Sorry guys the only days I didnt log in was when I was on holiday and we ate out ..I am definatley logging everything and weighing my food but sometimes i struggle to eat 1200...this is the first time in years that I have ate 3 proper meals a day I have a bit of fear of food after having years of an eating disorder ...then wrecking it by not eating starving then eating etc...your right no matter what fear I have of gaining weight I should eat more
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    Finally I am not excercising just run around all day after a crazy toddler I am on the go the whole day and by no means a couch potato I also walk but thats it also I drink at least 9 to 10 glasses of water
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    Well your food looks ok and having breakfast, lunch, dinner is a good thing, it sounds counter intuitive but you need to eat more to lose weight. I would recommend you need to try eating ~1400 cal instead (Breakfast 300 + Lunch 450 + Dinner 650) and logging any exercise against it to bring it back down to ~1200.

    Your body is going to hold onto the fat otherwise if your eating consistently below 1200 each day.

    I've found pre-logging a day or two in advance of what I'm going to eat helps me always hit my intake goal. It'll mean you less likely to struggle to find enough to eat and you'll feel more satisfied if your eating throughout the day.
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    If you're having trouble eating enough calories then maybe this site can help you out.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    That's one advantage those of us with a lot of pounds to lose have: if we stick to our goals, the pounds come off a lot faster than those of you with less pounds to shed, and it's probably a little easier for us to stay motivated at the beginning because of that.

    I'd say that yes, those before me are right, you need to eat enough for your body, read that "road map" post for sure. Someone with just the last few pounds to lose is going to lose it slowly, less than a pound a week, but if you do it right, it willl happen. Good luck!
  • kimmykimmy77
    kimmykimmy77 Posts: 47 Member
    Try a low carb no sugar diet. Works the best for me!
  • skyeashlee
    skyeashlee Posts: 108 Member
    I have lost 40lb so hopefully can be of some help... the first few months the KG's were dropping off (with being more heavier i think this is natural).... but i have also eased off on the discipline alot so it all evens out..

    my questions to ask you to ask urself : are you drinking/sipping ATLEAST 8 glasses of water a day? do u have any other liquids (juice, alcohol etc - no good)...
    do u have atleast 2x fruit a day (apparently before midday is better)
    do you have LOTS of fresh veg/salads ?
    as well as yoghurts, protein, eggs, almonds & walnuts ???
    are u starving urself? (also wont work) and of course over eating wont work either..

    whether it be 700 cals, 1200 cals or 1500cals, if u keep within ur target cals and dont have any show of the RIGHT foods then ur waisting ur time as well..
    its all learning and im sure ull get there :)

    Also, are you having too much sugar, eating wrong things at wrong times (others will debate the time of eating being irrelevant)

    MY TIPS that have made changes (big changes!) for me personally:
    - I have weetbix or oats for brekky, with honey (or if im not working ill have a boiled egg with mushies, tom, spinach leaves on a dark rye burgen bread)
    - atleast 8 almonds a day
    - water, water, water !! NO NO alcohol!
    - AMPLE fruit & veg (an apple a day and 3xservings of veg a day)
    - eat every couple of hrs (but eating the right foods)
    - not going hungry, it ruins everything...
    - and allowing days to relax and munch out! :O)

    Hope this helps! Feel free to add me or anyone else reading this for that matter :-) I just ask for a brief intro in the add..

    Skye x
    - salmon, fish, steak, boiled/poached eggs,

    Argh I still havent lost a single pound I dont understand I see all these other people losing pounds every week ....this will be coming up for my 3rd week here I dont understand what I am doing wrong I am trying to be healthy...could it be that after years of starving my body then eating ...that now I am following a proper diet that my body is trying to adjust to an intake of food.... did anyone else have a few weeks to wait before they lost a single pound I only need to lose 7 by the way..but I would be delighted to just lose 1 measly pound !
  • Dajune
    Dajune Posts: 12 Member
    just a wee thought muscle and fat weigh the same its just that muscle takes up less room. a ton of feathers is still a ton and a pound of muscle is a pound just as a pound of fat is still a pound :-) happy tracking
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    Hi if you have a peek at my diary you will see that its not unhealthy veg etc..and i have only 1 or 2 drinks at the weekend spirits thats all and at least 10 glasses of water i dont eat junk 1 biscuit a day?
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    just a wee thought muscle and fat weigh the same its just that muscle takes up less room. a ton of feathers is still a ton and a pound of muscle is a pound just as a pound of fat is still a pound :-) happy tracking

    The only problem with this is that she has such a large deficit in her calories that it's virtually impossible to gain any lean muscle mass, even if she was logging exercise. You gotta eat calories to have the fuel to burn fat. If anything she'll be burning off the lean mass since it only takes about 600 calories to lose a pound of lean vs the 3500 calories needed to burn off a pound of fat. Eat and ye shall lose the weight. :flowerforyou:
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    just a wee thought muscle and fat weigh the same its just that muscle takes up less room. a ton of feathers is still a ton and a pound of muscle is a pound just as a pound of fat is still a pound :-) happy tracking

    The only problem with this is that she has such a large deficit in her calories that it's virtually impossible to gain any lean muscle mass, even if she was logging exercise. You gotta eat calories to have the fuel to burn fat. If anything she'll be burning off the lean mass since it only takes about 600 calories to lose a pound of lean vs the 3500 calories needed to burn off a pound of fat. Eat and ye shall lose the weight. :flowerforyou:

    a really nice metaphore for this is to think of a fire. You can't burn huge logs just by striking a match, you need some kindling to really get the fire going. Your calorie intake is the kindling, and the huge logs are fat that you will burn once your body has something to work with :)
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Hi if you have a peek at my diary you will see that its not unhealthy veg etc..and i have only 1 or 2 drinks at the weekend spirits thats all and at least 10 glasses of water i dont eat junk 1 biscuit a day?

    I think the main point is that you honestly don't eat enough. Your body will cling onto everything it's got as its worried about the next meal. you need to eat at LEAST your BMR and I'd bet my cats that that is not under 1200 cals a day. Your food choices are healthy - you just need to eat more of them,

    Good luck.

    Edit: I second reading this post and following it - it may seem wrong esp since you have been eating so little for so long - but it really will work in the long run.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    am i perhaps eating too many carbs someone here said i should cut them down more?
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I don't mean to sound harsh, but pretty much everyone has told you to eat more. LISTEN TO THEM. You need food to fuel what you are asking your body to do. Merely existing requires calories; more than you are giving your body now. Eat more nutrient dense things like nuts and peanut butter. If you want to lose water weight, then yeah, eat low carb. But if you want to lose fat, you need to eat more.
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    am i perhaps eating too many carbs someone here said i should cut them down more?
    You're only really eating half the amount of carbs you should be having, you need to be increasing not decreasing.