Getting upset with weight loss!!

Yes this may sound kinda pathetic but its how I feel. I have lost over 40 pounds and although I am happy with that I am really upset that I have lost so much of my boobs. I am smaller then I was in 7th grade. I still have 7 to 10 pounds to go and some major toning, but I may just stop so I don't lose even more. Even my hubby has commented on how small they are getting. I asked him if he wanted a fat and big breasted wife or a skinny and small breasted wife. His comment " a skinny big breasted wife". Ah if it were only that simple. Anyone else feel like this?:frown:


  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    I would be happy with the weight loss. I also loose in my chest first, so I do chest exercises. Besides the older you get the saggier they get to, so in the long run, be happy if you have smaller boobs. :blushing:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Yes this may sound kinda pathetic but its how I feel. I have lost over 40 pounds and although I am happy with that I am really upset that I have lost so much of my boobs. I am smaller then I was in 7th grade. I still have 7 to 10 pounds to go and some major toning, but I may just stop so I don't lose even more. Even my hubby has commented on how small they are getting. I asked him if he wanted a fat and big breasted wife or a skinny and small breasted wife. His comment " a skinny big breasted wife". Ah if it were only that simple. Anyone else feel like this?:frown:

    I guess everyone loses differently, cuz I've still got huge ones. They only went down alittle, to a 36 DD! I would have LOVED for em to get smaller, but, nope! :cry: :grumble:
  • stephcheers
    Oh this complaint is so common for all the mama's I know who are done having babies and worked so hard to take off the weight and are left with NO BOOBS! There are some excellent bras to mask the loss, but this isn't quite the same when it comes to married life. :wink:

    I know that there are going to be those out there that will disagree....but I say start saving your pennies and researching cosmetic surgeons. It's not something you would do until you are done having kids and done losing weight. But take it from this mom who lost my boobs along the way.....I am happy there was a way to be put back to my original size.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Ah, I feel your pain! I've had 3 kids now and after the first 2, I still had a pretty good sized chest. After I had this last one (he's 11 months now), my boobs have petered out. Hubby doesn't want me to have surgery but I don't care. I've lost 57 lbs so far and when I'm done, I want the boobs to go with it!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I was going to keep my mouth shut on this but I just want to say one thing: this is YOUR body and YOUR accomplishment. You need to do what feels right to YOU, not what somebody else thinks you should do to adhere to his ideal.

    Congrats on making all this great progress :flowerforyou:
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    I breastfed for 7 months and lost weight at the same time and I have dropped 1 cup size and they are so saggy. I don't think my hubby likes mine anymore either so after the next baby I am getting a boob job for sure and I can't wait. Even smaller I wouldn't mind but saggy looks so awful so I defiately feel your pain, still being skinny is better it probably just takes awhile to adjust.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am only 15 lbs down, but i can tell too i am loosing there. To begin with i am not that big , for someone that is almost 300 i am like a b cup, usally big girls like me have big i know if I ever get to my goal of 150 i will freaking be in like a cups or training bra's maybe
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    im the opposite. all my life i was athletic with big boobs. when i had my son i gained 20 lbs and went from a 34d to a 34ddd. i hate that i would always have bk pain. now that i lost the weight and breast feeding helped me lose some boobs, im down to 32d but they are sm and i love it. the sagging im working on it and doing boob exercise. they are lifting them up. I DO NOT miss my big boobs. im actually glad that i got sm ones because i was thinking of getting a breast reduction when i was done having kids.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I lose the same way in the boobs!!! ugh.. thank goodness my husband is leg man or I be in some trouble lol
  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    I went from a 44 ddd to a 40 d.. in some ways I'm happier but.. in others not so much. I have always been a little on the saggy side but now I will definitely need to get them put back where they should be. I would do what makes YOU happy before anyone else.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    We don't lose our weight off our bodies evenly. If you lose your boobs first, then the last 7-10 lb. will probably come off your *kitten* or your tummy. When I lost my weight, I went through a period where I was actually scrawny on top. But I clearly had fat on my bottom half so I started losing and it all came off there.

    In fact, now that I'm weight is still stable, my fat is redistributing itself and my boobs are a little fuller now as my bottom continues to shrink.

    I'm still a C cup, which is bigger than average. If I'd stayed a DDD, I would look top heavy and have trouble fitting in my clothes.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Ah, I feel your pain! I've had 3 kids now and after the first 2, I still had a pretty good sized chest. After I had this last one (he's 11 months now), my boobs have petered out.
    Almost exact same thing here! I don't know what to tell you to do, but do understand there are others out there like you.
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    im in the exact same situation. i can barely fill out my a cup anymore they are just ridiculously small. my sister wants to lose weight but i overheard her saying that shes rethinking that because she doesnt want her boobs to get as small as mine :( oh well though we are healthier and should be proud. if you dont mind me asking, what do you plan on doing for toning? i have 7-10 lbs left to lose also and then im gonna have to start toning.
  • pawprint061
    I've lost 18 pounds and I'm so happy that I'm losing mine. I can't stand huge breasts. I always use to find the cutest tops but they never fit me right because of my boobs... I'm happy with my loss. I kinda wanna lose a little more.
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I have lost about 9 pounds so far (my ticker only says 8, but I haven't weighed myself in quite a while)... and my boobs haven't changed the slightest.

    I've ALWAYS had a huge chest, even when I was thin so I'm really not concerned about loosing them. I'm currently a 36DDD.

    I'm not too much a fan of breast implant surgeries. I feel that we as women need to be able to be confident with what we have.

    At least at this point you can fit into cute tops and swimsuits! I can't even dream of "normal" swimsuits.
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    I've lost 18 pounds and I'm so happy that I'm losing mine. I can't stand huge breasts. I always use to find the cutest tops but they never fit me right because of my boobs... I'm happy with my loss. I kinda wanna lose a little more.

    Unfortunately, my boobs keep getting bigger and bigger even though I'm losing weight. I wish they'd shrink so I could buy the cute tops, but my stupid big boobs screw everything up.

    We're never happy with what we've got. If we've got curly hair, we want straight. If it's straight, we want curly. Be thankful that you've lost a TON of weight. Congrats!
  • ktndj82104
    I lost all my weight with the help of this site and my working hard. So now to tone I joined a gym so I could use the the eqipment to help with that.
  • vitabella
    vitabella Posts: 34 Member
    Id say keep losing the weight, even if they are getting smaller i would. Mine have gotten smaller too and less full looking but i would rather be thin then have big breasts. I agree i think that if youre up for it, after you lose all your weight & keep it off you could consider plastic surgery. A girlfriend of mine lost 60 pounds a couple years ago and her breasts were so saggy she just cried & cried, then she had a breasts "reduction" ( she was a DD then fit into a B) & a "lift" with small implants put in & she looks fantastic! But if you dont want to do surgery look online there are special bra's and exercises you can do to improve their look.
  • ktndj82104
    Thanks everyone for all your help. I don't thing I could ever go the boob job route but who knows. I just have always been big even when i was really skinny and to just see my body like this upsets me alot.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Wouldn't it be great if we could design our perfect bodies, and somehow morph into that? Unfortunately, that's not how it works. It's better to be thin and healthy with small boobs than overweight with big boobs- no contest. I personally like small breasts...they're much more youthful. Lots of men enjoy them as well- casually let hubby know that. lol

    Weight loss sometimes changes our bodies in ways we don't like...but overall, you're getting a pretty good deal.