Healthy birthday cake recipes help!

Squible Posts: 359 Member
Its my boyfriends birthday in a few weeks and we are wantingto get back on the heathly lifestlye again and lose some more weight.

So I need a good heathy birthday cake idea, he likes my lemon cake so if anyone has any recipes for that that would be fantastic, I know I could use sweetener and yoghurt instead I just dont know what measures etc.

Thanks :)


  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
  • HappyHag
    HappyHag Posts: 20
    I don't have the recipe on me, but there's a wonderful book called "Red Velvet Heartache" by Harry Eastwood that has absolutely delicious desserts all made with veggies in 'em! (you can't taste the veggies - trust me, my kids would sniff 'em out in a minute) I've made at least a dozen of the recipes and family and friends have loved every one without knowing that they were healthier.
  • wheels5894
    wheels5894 Posts: 26 Member
    OK, what you need is a fat-less sponge cake recipe and here is a link to one, though there are plenty on the we so juts search.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    or.......why not just let him eat a nice slice of real cake for one meal on his birthday, and then back on the wagon immediately afterward?
  • leahnoelle31
    leahnoelle31 Posts: 79 Member
    Try I'm not sure about lemon recipes but I know I'm going to make my husband her chocolate pumpkin cookie pie for his birthday next week! :)
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    get a lemon cake mix and instead of using any of the ingredients they ask you to add, add in one can of diet soda instead. Mix and bake as directed on box. You could get diet lemon soda for instance. This works for any cake mix and any diet soda. Use fat free cool-whip as a frosting. (google diet coke cake, you'll get a load of info on this)

    you could also use angel food cake and frost with a lemon flavored whip or drizzle (powdered sugar, lemon juice and fat free milk for the drizzle).

    Otherwise, just eat cake. Your birthdays are once a year. If your life after weight loss won't be without cake, then your life DURING weight loss should be able to squeeze it in as well. You could also go to a restaurant and order just two pieces of cake so that the temptation to finish off the rest of it through the week isn't there.
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    ohh do a diet pop cake! the lemon one is the the other poster get whatever brand of box mix you this case using lemon you would just add a can of diet lemon lime soda, mix , and bake as makes for a super fluffy yummy cake with about half the calories! and best of all ...if you dont tell other people they will never know :D
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    or.......why not just let him eat a nice slice of real cake for one meal on his birthday, and then back on the wagon immediately afterward?

    I would do, But i asked him what he wanted to do and whether he wanted a 'real' cake or if he wanted me to trya nd make a low cal version for him and he asked for the low cal.

    I was hoping he'd say the real one so I could have some haha but he wants to be good so I was just wanting some help :)
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    get a lemon cake mix and instead of using any of the ingredients they ask you to add, add in one can of diet soda instead. Mix and bake as directed on box. You could get diet lemon soda for instance. This works for any cake mix and any diet soda. Use fat free cool-whip as a frosting. (google diet coke cake, you'll get a load of info on this)

    you could also use angel food cake and frost with a lemon flavored whip or drizzle (powdered sugar, lemon juice and fat free milk for the drizzle).

    Otherwise, just eat cake. Your birthdays are once a year. If your life after weight loss won't be without cake, then your life DURING weight loss should be able to squeeze it in as well. You could also go to a restaurant and order just two pieces of cake so that the temptation to finish off the rest of it through the week isn't there.

    WOW I have NEVER heard of jusy using a can of diet pop!? thats crazy gonna have to try this for sure thank you!

    Good idea with the restaurant though...might suggest that to him, but i think its cause he likes my baking and I made him a delicious lemon cake before for him hah.

    Thanks! :)
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member

    I know I can look on the web and I have been but I was hoping for tried and tested receipes as I dont want it not to work or not taste right and I dont hav ethe money to do lots of trials before his birthday.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Libby's - 100% Pure Pumpkin- 15 oz Can, 1 container (1 4/5 cups ea.)
    Betty Crocker - Super Moist - Chocolate Fudge Cake (Mix Only), 1 container (1 package ea.)
    Batter is very thick so I used a small Ice Cream scoop to put into cupcake cups
    350 degrees for 20-25 min or until toothpick comes out clean. Depends on oven. Mine took 25 min

    Per Serving: Calories73, Carbs 16, Fat 1, Protein 1, Sodium 159 , Chol 0
    You can sprinkle with powdered sugar or top with frosting but the are great plain
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Some things, like cake, just arent' supposed to be healthy. If you're going to eat cake, it's not going to be "healthy" no matter what. Healthy cake isn't actually health food, it's just much worse tasting and only slightly less unhealthy than normal cake. IMHO you might as well just enjoy a piece of real unhealthy cake for your birthday, and make sure that you give away or throw out all of the leftovers.

    Remember the 80/20 rule. Eat healthy 80% of the time, and don't worry about eating unhealthy 20% of the time.
  • TroJon
    TroJon Posts: 15 Member
    Mix/match/substitute items, if you can cook/bake it will be easy!


    Wholewheat flour

    egg whites

    splenda/artificial sweetener/low GI fruit sugars vs refined white sugar

    whey protein :)
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Go to your favorite gourmet shop.
    Buy the nicest, heaviest, sweetest, best cake you can find.
    Cut yourself a very thin slice.

    Put the remainder of the cake in a trash can. Cover with cat litter.

  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Angel food cake with strawberries is pretty low-cal.
  • eknobbe
    eknobbe Posts: 106 Member
    BUMP!! I love desserts!
  • ritalef
    ritalef Posts: 93 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    get a lemon cake mix and instead of using any of the ingredients they ask you to add, add in one can of diet soda instead. Mix and bake as directed on box. You could get diet lemon soda for instance. This works for any cake mix and any diet soda. Use fat free cool-whip as a frosting. (google diet coke cake, you'll get a load of info on this)

    This would be lower calorie, but I wouldn't consider a cake made with a boxed mix full of artificial ingredients, and diet soda and fat free cool-whip (pretty close to 100% artificial ingredients) "healthier" than a cake made with natural ingredients.

    Low fat, low calorie doesnt' always = healthy

    Personally I'd just look for recipes where at least half the flour is whole grain and it contains fruit and/or vegetables. If it calls for butter, lard or vegetable shortening, I'd substitute canola oil. If I wanted low fat, I'd skip the oil and substitute applesauce.