"I'm just curious!



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I weigh myself every day. I could have lost a pound of fat in a week but gained two pounds in water weight between one day and the next.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    For me weighing myself every day at the same time (early in the morning b4 I eat or drink anything) Helps motivate me to keep going. I don't get upset if the scale goes up slightly because I know its going to fluctuate a bit now and then. one pound or even 2 increase isn't going to put me over the edge and deter my efforts. It just makes me more determined to work at losing more.
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, but only record my weight once a week. If I don't weigh myself everyday, it's all to easy to pig out on the day after weigh in day, knowing I have the whole week to make up for it.

    ^That's what I do to. Same time every day - I don't see it as a bad thing. I like to know how my body reacts to what I'm doing.
  • Weighing yourself everyday isn't necessarily wrong. It all depends on what it does to your motivation.

    In science when you're trying to pin down a number that's fluctuating you actually increase your measuring points to get a good estimate. As your weight fluctuates as well, you could weigh yourself everyday and use the average of that week as your weekly weigh-in.

    However, the most honest way of measuring doesn't take into account psychology. If you're the type of person that's discouraged if the scale gives 0.2 lbs higher than before, weighing often will only freak you out. So that's why it's encouraged to only weigh yourself once a week. But it adds the risk that that one weigh-in is actually higher than your actual weight for the week.

    Yeah... see, I'm that "freaks out at .2 lbs" type of person. or when I don't see the scale moving like I want it to, even when I see the fat % dropping and all... I tend to beat myself up about all the tiny things, and she knows that. Thanks, everyone, for the great response! I'm trying not to use my "just curious!" to talk myself into a co-worker's home made german chocolate cake. Despite how delicious it looks! LOL

    I agree that the weighing thing definitely depends on the personality of the person. I weigh myself every day, but it's actually taught me how much weight fluctuates naturally, and not to panic when it goes back up a little bit, or even a lot (I find this happens to me if I've had an abnormally high salt intake the day before).

    As the poster said above, weekly weigh-ins can have their down side, although those can be minimized by specific day and time you pick. If as you said you're the type to beat yourself up about every tiny fluctuation in your diet or, on the other side, you're the kind of person who tells herself it's okay to eat that donut (or piece of cake, lol) because her last weigh-in was low, then it's probably best to follow that advice and keep it to once per week.

    I would also strongly suggest measurements, not just the scale. They often change more slowly but are less prone to fluctuations.
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    I used to weigh myself everyday, but got easily discouraged when my weight wasn't going down, or if I went up at all. It made me give up dieting and exercising a lot because I wasn't "seeing" results. I stashed my scale in the closet for a few weeks and pulled it out again, and only check once a week... sometimes curiousity wins over and I jump on an extra time or two, but I know it fluctuates from what you eat, how much you move during the day, etc. so I don't pay too much attention. I just focus on what it says Sunday mornings... If you are ok jumping on 3 times a day, by all means! As long as it doesn't bother you to see it jump around!
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    I usually weigh every day twice a day. I know my weight is going to flucuate during the day and I am fine with that. This being said I don't obsess over an overnight gain after a salty day before. It's all in how you look at it. It's a personal choice and yes I also weigh because I am curious.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I read a study the other day that said weighing everyday is a good thing for weight loss. I weigh everyday. If I have gained it motivates me to get back on track.
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I usually weight myself about twice a day. I expect variation so I look at the average more.