weight loss not happening



  • DebraDamren
    I have been slowly and surely GAINING 1 pound per week while eating 1300 calories per day. When I tried cutting back 100 cal per day I get a message Not to do that. I think they need to be realistic about how many calories a person really needs.
  • mocat15
    mocat15 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey JoJo!

    A few things:

    I looked over your meal diary, and it seemed carb heavy. There are many entries with only crackers and bread and not a lot of protein. You may want to consult a nutritionist to help you choose a combination of foods that will work better for you, in terms of weight loss, inches loss, and better health. I have worked with a nutritionist since May 2012, and I have lost 12 pounds with dieting alone. Myfitnesspal is helping me to remind me to exercise too!

    Also, I would encourage you to upload a different photo of yourself. I'm sure it was a special day when you were cutting that cake, but seeing that image when ever you log in or post a message may not be very motivating to lose weight. It will be a reminder of the fact that you shouldn't be eating cake! You sure don't need that unnecessary guilt! You can crop that photo to show just your head and shoulders.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    4.5 inches is brillant. it shows you are losing fat. sometimes it takes a while for the scale to catch up, or you could be building muscle. well done either way and keep up the good work!

    she isn't building muscle if she is on a calorie deficit.

    OP, how much do you weight, what is your height, how many calories are you eating and what is your exercise? If you post that and open up your diary, we can look at your foods (macro nutrients as well) and look where you can improve.

    not necessarily. is she is training etc it is possbile, thought difficult. hence why i said it could be

    You are confusing strength with muscle growth. In order to gain new lean body mass, you need to create an anabolic state. In order to do so, you need to consume more calories than you burn (aka, a catabolic state). Only in elite athletes is there even an opportunity to increase lean body mass, but it's not significant. I am not trying to be harsh, but she can NOT increase lean body mass. On top of that, it's even harder for women to gain new lean body mass. On average, they can only gain 7-10 lbs of lean body mass a year.

    Yes, there is a difference between lean body mass and strengthening muscles. But it is also true that strengthening muscles leads to weight gain because the muscles retain water as they are repairing themselves from the work you put them through. Strength training can cause you to lose inches but remain the same scale weigh.

    Retaining fluid for muscle fiber repair and building muscle are two completely different things.

    OP - psulemon is a great source for information and advice!
  • pink2lady
    pink2lady Posts: 111 Member
    I just glanced at a couple days on your food diary. I'm not see much fresh veggies and fresh fruit "eat healty, be healthy". Don't give up!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I haven't lost anything significant in a month but I have lost inches almost everywhere. I started the squat, sit-up, and dip challenge and feel like I've gotten stronger and tighter. For me, I know I haven't done much cardio this month and that usually drops the pounds quicker, I've kept about the same amount of calories eaten as when I was losing 5-6 pounds in a month so I'm sure it's the lack of cardio. You just gotta hang in there and see what works for you. :)