Hi! Newbie here...need some friends!

Hi, I'm Autumn. I'm new to MFP. As a Wellness Champion for the Wellness Group at work, I know that I need to first start with myself. I've been overweight my entire life, and I've started many times on various weight loss tracks, but I always get distracted or stop. This time I am determined to do it. For myself, and of course to be a better example for my co-workers.

Anyways, I need some support and encouragement, and probably a little pushing every now and again. I'm very excited to find MFP. I have the app on my iPhone, and I'm ready to go!

So feel free to add me and help a girl out! :) Feel free to push me. One reason why I love Jillian Michaels is because she doesn't hold back, but she's got a great heart. Hoping to meet some people on here just like that!


  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    remember, Track Track Track. Stay under your limits and give it 12 weeks. You'll be amazed.
  • Aunt_Kiki
    Aunt_Kiki Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome! Tracking REALLY helps - I just started and am already seeing a slight difference. As for Jillian Michaels - I liked her a lot until about an hour ago, when I started 30 Day Shred for the first time. Now I would kick her, if I could lift my legs :)
  • arkieft0516
    arkieft0516 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, I've started 30 day shred before as well. Going to get back into it. I only wish Jillian were in my living room, that would be great motivation because she scares me. But in a good way!