WTF!!!!??? (What the Fudgers!)

tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So it's my first day tracking and I was so gung ho to start this. I ate a super healthy breakfast (egg whites, fruit, cottage cheese) and soup for lunch and it's not even dinner yet and already my protein, sodium, and sugar are way over!! I'm severely disappointed and hungry :( What can I do to balance all these? Doesn't it make a difference where the sugars and proteins came from? Like grilled chicken vs. a juicy red meat steak? Fruit sugars vs. candy bars? Help i'm lost!


  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I have the same problem, I'm allowed 25g of sugar a day or something and I easily go over it by just eating fruit. Soo...I took it off my food chart thing through settings. I know I'm eating healthy and I was just getting frustrated by seeing that number go over.
  • dcherry88
    dcherry88 Posts: 15 Member
    Its gonna take time to balance out how to do it. Dont expect to master the art in one day. You do need to know that there are certain things to keep away from. Sugars are best from fruits and NEVER from candybars, no matter how much that babyruth/butterfinger/milkyway/snickers tastes. Carbs are best from complex carbs like whole grain and whole wheat breads. White bread is a big nono, just like white pasta's. For the sake of weight loss I've read light meats are better than red meats (eat your seafood, poultry, pork). We all have ways we cope with the fact we have to give up alot of stuff we like. Myself, I reserve one day a week (leaving the full 7 days inbetween) to have one bad meal, usually dinner, with a sweet dessert. Mind you, I don't go overboard and have a whole meat lovers pizza to myself or something, but I enjoy something that is usually a No-No. Don't get discouraged, start reading up online on healthy eating, there is TONs of free material out there to help you! I never tried the watching of those individual components myself, thought i do roughly portion them correctly, lots of veggies, with a meat there, and trying not to use alot of salt. I'm afraid I can't offer any advice on that area of your eating :(
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The numbers are all just guidelines, and they're never going to balance out perfectly every day. Fruit sugars aren't a problem as long as you're consuming the whole fruit (fiber), and not just fruit juice. Milk sugars aren't bad either. If your sodium is high today, drink some extra water to help flush your system, and try to make some changes to keep the sodium down in the future. As far as I know, you should consider the protein a minimum, and it's not a problem to go over that number- protein doesn't become a problem unless you're consuming huge amounts over what you need.
  • jillholleysmith
    jillholleysmith Posts: 30 Member
    And don't forget exercise of some sort. Get out and go for a walk. Any activity helps the "numbers".
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I find it's easier to balance my numbers (so I don't go way over on one or two things and under on everything else) if I plan my full day either the night before or in the morning. That way, I can shift things around or substitute foods to try to keep everything pretty close to what I should be eating.

    I personally don't worry if I go over on protein or fiber. I go over on fiber pretty much every day. I try not to go extremely over on protein, but I think a little is fine. I do work to keep my carbs and sodium at or under my daily goals though.

    You'll get better and better at making all of the numbers work the longer you stick with it. Good luck!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Drinking tons of water and making smart food choices should help with the hunger. Protein & fiber are what's going to help you feel full (the water helps too). If you're having a sweet tooth, even after some fruit, gnaw the heck out of some gum. It usually saves me from making a bad choice :)
    It's a challenge to come in under the limits every day, but challenges are what make life exciting!
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