
mslofty Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to this site. I just started to track my food intake one week ago. I am a bit shock today when i purchased a weight scale to weight myself! I was hoping to lose abit of weight since I really felt that I have sacrificed my usual diet for this 1200/day meals I was suppose to follow. I am a petite person and currently still weighting the same as a week ago. Is this normal. I never eat so much salad, humus, egg white for the longest time. Aside from being a bit dissapointed, the diet did help to regular my mood in the morning. I eat in the morning and so that really help to focus better at work.

Currently weighting 110 lbs and my goals is 102 and want to feel more tone in my muscles. I can't do cardio at this time because I have some issues with one of my foot and so I try to walk (walk to work, do a bit of yoga here and there.

I have a really flabby tummy and one the goal in the diet is to lose this flabbiness. I also want to feel healthy and comfortable in my daily position at office. I feel that when I hump over I am bloated all the time because my stomach is in the way :)

Any feedback or encouragement will be welcome :)



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome. You didn't say if you were just beginning to eat right or if you are just new to this sight. If you have been dieting for awhile and haven't had any weight lose this week, then that is normal. We all have weeks where nothing changes. I have gone six weeks staying at the same weight and then suddenly begin losing again. Please be patient and realize that if you eat healthy and exercise then you will naturally lose. Some weeks faster than others. As to your tummy. Is it just in need of some toning or do you need to lose the fat that is there? If you do have some fat then eating more low fat protein may help. I love my whey protein powder and by adding it to my diet I can get my tummy to flatten some.
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member
    You could try pilates to tone you up. That shouldn't put any stress on your injured foot and will make you feel stronger. There are some good DVD's to use at home if you can't get to a studio or class anywhere.

    I agree with "Swissmiss" about the more protein/less fat intake. Also, make sure that you are getting plenty of fiber and water, that should help with that bloated feeling.

    If you follow the MFP recommendations and be really honest in your MFP food and exercise diary then you will see the results.

    Give your body some time and be patient. You can do it! :wink: :bigsmile:
  • Welcome. This is a great site. I understand about the tummy area. I had my first child 18 months ago and I still have the belly. I walk at work and I burn a good 800 calories plus, so that right there helped me. At first I wasn't losing anything but I could see results slowly. I've dropped down almost three pant sizes. But my tummy is still the same. I started do sits ups a different way and I lost an inch off my tummy with in a month. I stopped though because I just didn't have the energy because of other things going on, but pilates is awesome. Try youtubing it, you'll find a great amount of free videos.
  • Swissmiss, I am just starting to eat right. I need to lose the fat on my tummy. I am interested in knowing more option to help suplement my goal in losing the tummy. So you mention that Whey Protein Powder work? Do you have a recommended brand?

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I love Kroger's brand of whey protein but am using one that was purchased at WalMart at this time. I don't like it as well as Kroger's but it was given to me so I will use it.
    It takes time to flatten a tummy. I can have one bad meal and have a pouch. If I eat right then it becomes flatter. Mine isn't completely flat ever and have been told that it will never be that way again. I disagree, because I have gotten mine quiet flat by eating right. I have had eight pregnancies also. I just need to be careful about my food choices.
  • OK I know Walmart and I also have GNC health food store across from my building. I will go check it out tonight! Thanks.

    I heard that CLA (Conjucated Linoelic Acid) does that too. Is that right?

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