Insanity Starting TODAY!!

Hello Everyone,
I am starting insanity today. I am looking for some new friends who are starting insanity as well to be a motivation. Also to discuss meals and to compare our wt loss together. They say you will most likely finish a workout if you have a buddy to help you thru it. :-) If you are interested again I am starting the fit test and Insanity program today and I am 173lbs. Looking forward to meet a new workout buddies.



  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I am on week 9 of Insanity/P90x hybrid. I will be going for another two weeks and then starting Insanity/Asylum for a month. I have a support group on FB for Insanity if you like to join.
  • EWilliamson
    EWilliamson Posts: 50 Member
    INSANITY IS THE BEST WORKOUT EVER!!!!!!!!!! You will see awesome results! Good luck and just remember when it gets hard..hang in there..its SOOO worth it!
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    I started last week and with a rocky weekend schedule, We missed two workouts. Needless to say, we're starting over again tonight. I'll add you!
    Everyone else, I could use some encouragement as well, please add me!
  • Degrotet
    Degrotet Posts: 16 Member
    It is the best workout ever! Make sure you have GOOD shoes though. I did one cycle and started another and found out I have a nasty heel spur. Good luck! I'll be starting again as soon as I get my foot taken care of!
  • dzinergrl18
    dzinergrl18 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm waiting for mine to come in the mail, hopefully today or tomorrow. Please add me if you'd like. I'll be starting as soon as I rip the box open:)
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    I'll be starting this week! Feel free to add me.
  • Insanity is GREAT! The first few days can be rough (expect to be sore), but once you get through that you should be good! I think it is most important to just always do it, do not make excuses as to why you need to skip a day.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good luck!! It's a great workout. Just stick to it. I'm starting week 2
  • ChevyChick88
    ChevyChick88 Posts: 356 Member
    Starting today too! Good luck to you! :-)
  • dawLs
    dawLs Posts: 84
    Does anyone know if you can find Insanity online? I don't have a DVD or Blu Ray player...
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    Here is the link for my FB support group for Insanity:
  • Aem2381
    Aem2381 Posts: 89 Member
    I am on week 4 of Insanity! I love it! I haven't lost a whole lot of weight but have def. lost inches and can tell my clothes are fitting better. Feel free to add me. We weigh the same - I am at 173.2 and trying to get down to the 130s! Good luck and stick to it! Make sure you always have your water near by during the workouts! You will need it!
  • I started today :)
  • I am picking it up today from someone on craigslist. Not sure whether I will start tonight or do my normal workout (which at 1200-1400 calories isnt terribly sane itself)
  • dy617
    dy617 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey Lena! I would love to be your buddy. Restarting Insanity today after recovering over the past few weeks from a recent (unrelated to Insanity) foot injury. I will add you. Can't wait to hear how things went with the fit test. It in and of itself is a BEAST! :-)
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    I am on week 4 and love it!!! Feel free to add me
  • garmandj
    garmandj Posts: 7 Member
    I am beginning week 2 of Insanity also. I cannot count the times I have started this workout and then within the first week found an excuse to skip a day and then a few days then I never go back.

    I am bound to see this through. I know that I will see results if I just get upstairs and do the workouts. Funny thing is...I love doing them when I'm working out. I have just developed so many self-defeating habits. Gonna change that in the next 60 days.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • dittybugdesigns
    dittybugdesigns Posts: 30 Member
    I couldn't agree more about the shoes!!! I started 5 weeks ago and on the third day I woke up and could not walk. I have had numerous sports injuries but nothing like the pain I felt in my feet! It was so bad I thought I was goint to have to call out sick to work:( I had worn my running shoes and did the work out on a concrete floor.... fastforward to today, I am finally going to try and start the program again. My feet hurt just to walk, I couldn't even imagine trying all of the moves necessary to complete the workouts before now but I am tired of not doing the workouts so we'll see how things go:)
  • Good luck lena, don't look back. I'm starting Insanity in about a week or two, I'm so so excited about it as am about your start!
  • Jacqueblue5
    Jacqueblue5 Posts: 1 Member
    My Husband and I just did our Fit Test last night-we couldn't wait for Monday. Holy Smokes it kicked my butt! Just remember to push yourself but not over do it and stop if you have to. I am definately feeling it in my glutes!!