anyone doing Insanity workout??

I was just wondering if anyone else is doing this workout if so how much have you lost?


  • CourtneyKirby
    CourtneyKirby Posts: 5 Member
    I havent started yet because Im healing from surgery on my foot but I am planning on starting as soon as I get cleared from my doctor. Let me know how it goes for you!
  • RachelHoffman0709
    RachelHoffman0709 Posts: 101 Member
    I am on my 2nd week of Insanity. I haven't weighed myself yet, Im holding off till the end of this week. I did, however, measure myself today and I have lost 1/2 inch from my waist! I love this workout!!
  • I have completed month 1 of Insanity & it was so worth it. I'm doing month 1 again b/c I wasnt ready for month 2, very hard! Insanity never gets easy, the first 2 weeks are the hardest. You find yourself wanting to quit, but DON'T! When you think about quitting: Think about why you started. So worth it! In 1 month I lost 36 lbs, & a total of 19 inches off my entire body.
  • I didnt lose as much weight as i did inches. I never have been someone who works out on a weekly basis and I completed 1.5 months of it and went from a 9 to a 7. I didn't really even change my diet..
  • That is awesome!!! You made me wanty to do it so much more! Did you ever miss 1 day? I always start and finish the first week then i stop..;{ also how many calories were u eating everyday to lose that much?
  • I am on day three. I started as my husband is on week 3 and I can see the changes in him already. At the moment I am in pain with muscle soreness when I get up in the morning but once moving around I am okay again. I have never sweat so much in my life.
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    I lost 7.2 kg doing the Insanity workout, a lot of that was in Month 2. It was the first time I did anything as intense as that and I don't regret it at all!
  • jotun87
    jotun87 Posts: 32 Member
    I just started Month 2 - I got through month 1 about 3 months ago - I hurt my knee so I decided not to hurt myself more by pushing through. Month 2 is rough! So far I've lost 3 lbs (month 1 only) and modified the plan slightly - I would push Day 6 (Saturday) to the recovery day (Thursdays). Doing it only 5 days a week seemed to still give me good results!
  • i didnt change my eating habbits doing insanity and still saw results and now im doing it all over while eating only 1200 cals
  • That is awesome!!! You made me wanty to do it so much more! Did you ever miss 1 day? I always start and finish the first week then i stop..;{ also how many calories were u eating everyday to lose that much?
    Well I'm glad you want to do the challenge! Nope I never missed a day, you gotta find time for it so that you don't mess up the days. But if you do use your off day to do the make up. I did a very low carb diet & about 1400 calorie intake. Hope i helped! :)
  • Shay_in_shape
    Shay_in_shape Posts: 34 Member
    I have done it twice. The first time all the way through and ate what I wanted and lost 12 lbs. the 2nd time I did about 5 weeks and went on a little diet and lost 10 lbs. I'm starting it over again day 1 this time I plan to finish it and have a strict diet!
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    I am almost done. I have 5 workouts to go to finish this round. I have lost 10 pounds, but more importantly I have lost inches. I fit back in the jeans I grew out of for a few months. I workout 6 days a week and go by the schedule, but have also changed to clean eating.