Do you ever reach an age ...



  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    To the are 62? Do you consider that old?

    To all the other people that made a post what do you consider as old?

    I certainly don`t think 62 is old???? Mature, wise, lived a little maybe??

    This depends on the situation. I'm too old to be someone's prom date. I'm too old to start my Olympic Athlete Career. I'm too old to be a groupie of boy bands. I'm *probably* too old to become a birth mother. It seems really, really unlikely I'll have a career as a soldier in the US Military. Miss America won't accept my application, either.

    So in answer to your question, what is too old? Too old is when you give up doing certain things because they are just pointless to pursue.
  • mkeen77
    mkeen77 Posts: 32
    That's really awesome and encouraging! :)
  • mkeen77
    mkeen77 Posts: 32
    So ... I'm only 31 so I don't think I have reached that age you may be talking about, but let me share my little story here.

    I have had bouts with my self over why am I forcing my self to eat this way.. This sucks having to watch what I eat all the time.. I should be able to eat how I want when ever I want... I feel trapped etc...

    Truth is.... it was the other way around.. I would have slaved my self to cake and other B.S. that isn't good for my body... If I would of done it right the first time I wouldn't be obese and in the first place...

    I had to change my mind set.. For me and this may not work for you but for me food is nothing but fuel for my body. Some people say you can have a relationship with bad food and balance your self out with good food if you learn to do it right. I say forget that, I don't need cake.. Its just crap that only brings fleeting joy any ways..

    I find joy in the other things like knowing, I can feel comfortable to put on a swim suit on and take my shirt off in public. I can go out and RUN a mile in under 7 minutes, I have more energy for my kids. The better physic has brought me a better attitude and more positive outlook on life..... I am more willing to get out of the house with my wife instead of wanting to stay in because I was embarrassed about how I looked before..

    These are all things that bring true joy to me, and its lasting and life changing.. I do not need to find joy in a bowl of ice cream or a slice of pie.. Will I have some ice cream or pie some time in my life again .. OF COURSE I will but I am more informed, I have seen the other side from Fat to fit, and I know I can make better informed decisions on that piece of pie, and chances are I will just skip it..

    Don't give up because when you are back to how you were designed to be, you can live MORE LIFE in just a 24 hour period then you ever could when you were sluggish and over weight...

    So it all comes down to weighing the negatives and positives.. Sit down and make a list.. I promise you the positives will be a mile long while the negatives will be all alone ....

    So do you want to give up now ?

    This is what I meant to say... That is really encouraging! :)
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    I love kaxfenix (hope I spelled that right) answer. That says it all.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Maybe if I was 95, I'd give up and say F it. Until then, I'm doing what I can to better my health.
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    lol @ us older people. Not sure what age you consider old.... but when I was super morbidly obese I used those excuses that i couldn't lose, i am too old, its hormones, it's just too hard... blah blah blahhh. I finally had a wake up call .....changed my lifestyle... and did lose weight... who'd a thunk it lol.
    Health is wealth people... no matter what age...

    love this....thanks for this:flowerforyou:
  • blakeevan04
    blakeevan04 Posts: 40 Member
    So ... I'm only 31 so I don't think I have reached that age you may be talking about, but let me share my little story here.

    I have had bouts with my self over why am I forcing my self to eat this way.. This sucks having to watch what I eat all the time.. I should be able to eat how I want when ever I want... I feel trapped etc...

    Truth is.... it was the other way around.. I would have slaved my self to cake and other B.S. that isn't good for my body... If I would of done it right the first time I wouldn't be obese and in the first place...

    I had to change my mind set.. For me and this may not work for you but for me food is nothing but fuel for my body. Some people say you can have a relationship with bad food and balance your self out with good food if you learn to do it right. I say forget that, I don't need cake.. Its just crap that only brings fleeting joy any ways..

    I find joy in the other things like knowing, I can feel comfortable to put on a swim suit on and take my shirt off in public. I can go out and RUN a mile in under 7 minutes, I have more energy for my kids. The better physic has brought me a better attitude and more positive outlook on life..... I am more willing to get out of the house with my wife instead of wanting to stay in because I was embarrassed about how I looked before..

    These are all things that bring true joy to me, and its lasting and life changing.. I do not need to find joy in a bowl of ice cream or a slice of pie.. Will I have some ice cream or pie some time in my life again .. OF COURSE I will but I am more informed, I have seen the other side from Fat to fit, and I know I can make better informed decisions on that piece of pie, and chances are I will just skip it..

    Don't give up because when you are back to how you were designed to be, you can live MORE LIFE in just a 24 hour period then you ever could when you were sluggish and over weight...

    So it all comes down to weighing the negatives and positives.. Sit down and make a list.. I promise you the positives will be a mile long while the negatives will be all alone ....

    So do you want to give up now ?

    Wow, awesome words and so very true.... the pros definitely outweigh the cons!
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    I am 58. I feel much younger ... and don't really care what others think of how I look as long as *I* am happy with how I look and as long as my husband is happy with how I look and as long as I am healthy (not necessarily in any order ... kind of all equal). Anyway, what's important is how *you* feel ... and if you feel better about yourself losing weight, then do it for you. There are a lot of us out there that are doing this ... and you can also! I believe in you and if you want to have another friend, feel free to request away. I've been on not quite 4 months (September 1 will mark 4) and have lost 43 of the 65 lbs I'm aiming at.
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,633 Member
    All right, I'll over myself up as an example. I think I understand a little bit about what you're feeling. My guess is that it's not so much your age as that you haven't been able to successfully maintain a weight loss. You're wondering if, after all these years, it just isn't going to happen for you.

    I wondered the same thing two and a half years ago. I was 58 and, honestly, I'd been fat all my life. About every decade, I'd gone through a major weight loss of 50+ pounds and then slowly gained it all back plus some more. Before I joined MFP, I felt old and tired and I thought the last third of my life was going to be in increasingly poor health.

    When I joined MFP, I figured this was my last shot because, if I repeated my pattern of lose a lot and then gain a lot, I just wouldn't be able to face my family, friends and myself with the failure again.

    So I gave myself one and only one goal: don't gain the weight back. That meant, I wasn't going to do anything that I couldn't do for the rest of my life. I ate at 1200 calories plus my exercise calories. And to be honest, even when I don't exercise, I still eat my "exercise calories." I don't ever let myself feel guilty about what I eat - I just log it in and try to work with it. I exercised every day but I started out simply and slowly. It took me a year and a half to get to a healthy BMI and then I lost 10 pounds in the following year. Now I'm having the time of my life, doing things that I never even dreamed of.

    And what did I discover?

    Losing weight slowly gives you lots of time to learn new habits. Losing weight slowly means plateaus that can last months which is good because you learn how to live your life without losing weight.

    Losing weight slowly, I'm beginning to think, is the secret to successful maintenance. I used to lose weight quickly and then gain it all back because I couldn't keep up the discipline and exercise routines over the long run. What I do now, I've been doing for over two and a half years. I don't think of it as anything but the routine of my daily life.

    So, I say, being "old" was my best advantage. I know I couldn't do this when I was younger and I think I've done it now because I'm older.

    Congratulations on your first four weeks! Just take it one day a time and plan for four years.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Becoming healthier is a change for the better for life. :flowerforyou:

    It's never too late to make a difference in yourself.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Do what is right for you but...
    WHAT?????!!!!! 4 WEEKS OF SUCCESS - KEEP IT UP!!

    I'm 36 and WHEN I reach my goal I know that I won't be able to slack off. I will have to work at keeping it off. I have bad days, I have good days. I just need to have more good days then bad days to get to my goal.

    You can do this!! DOn't quIT!
    This pic is meant to inspire you and encourage you to keep up your success.
  • pattie317
    pattie317 Posts: 43 Member
    Age is just a number!! I am fifty and certainly do not see myself as old, but full of life!! MFP hs been very helpful as well as encouraging. I have made some great new friends here who always are willing to say kind but truthful words. The encouragement I recieved has allowed me to sign up for my very first 5k coming up this October! Thanks MFP!!
  • NancyG55
    NancyG55 Posts: 86
    Well, I am 57 now, and I sure wasn't too old to gain the excess weight, so I definitely don't feel I am too old to lose it. You are NEVER too old to live a healthy life, and lose unwanted weight. Just takes a little longer to get there now than it did when I was in my 30's or 40's. LOL
  • So ... I'm only 31 so I don't think I have reached that age you may be talking about, but let me share my little story here.

    I have had bouts with my self over why am I forcing my self to eat this way.. This sucks having to watch what I eat all the time.. I should be able to eat how I want when ever I want... I feel trapped etc...

    Truth is.... it was the other way around.. I would have slaved my self to cake and other B.S. that isn't good for my body... If I would of done it right the first time I wouldn't be obese and in the first place...

    I had to change my mind set.. For me and this may not work for you but for me food is nothing but fuel for my body. Some people say you can have a relationship with bad food and balance your self out with good food if you learn to do it right. I say forget that, I don't need cake.. Its just crap that only brings fleeting joy any ways..

    I find joy in the other things like knowing, I can feel comfortable to put on a swim suit on and take my shirt off in public. I can go out and RUN a mile in under 7 minutes, I have more energy for my kids. The better physic has brought me a better attitude and more positive outlook on life..... I am more willing to get out of the house with my wife instead of wanting to stay in because I was embarrassed about how I looked before..

    These are all things that bring true joy to me, and its lasting and life changing.. I do not need to find joy in a bowl of ice cream or a slice of pie.. Will I have some ice cream or pie some time in my life again .. OF COURSE I will but I am more informed, I have seen the other side from Fat to fit, and I know I can make better informed decisions on that piece of pie, and chances are I will just skip it..

    Don't give up because when you are back to how you were designed to be, you can live MORE LIFE in just a 24 hour period then you ever could when you were sluggish and over weight...

    So it all comes down to weighing the negatives and positives.. Sit down and make a list.. I promise you the positives will be a mile long while the negatives will be all alone ....

    So do you want to give up now ?

    This is exactly the menality I want to have! I have gotten so so much better, but still struggle a bit too much for my liking. Love this attitide! This is exactly what food was meant for ( fuel) Not for our emotional needs. Easier said than done of course, but I plan on trying til i get there!
  • I am going on 39 years old by the way and can tell you since changing my life I don't look or feel like I'm pushin 40! Go for the stars! Age is just a number, and you will feel so much younger and full of life! Don't give up! I gave up sooo many times through the course of my life, but I finally said screw this I'm done being fat! There is no time like the present. You will add years to your life and much happiness and peace to it as well. Best of luck! Feel free to add me if you would like a new friend :smile:
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    This is exactly the menality I want to have! I have gotten so so much better, but still struggle a bit too much for my liking. Love this attitide! This is exactly what food was meant for ( fuel) Not for our emotional needs. Easier said than done of course, but I plan on trying til i get there!

    Thank you very much ... I want you to read your username to yourself out loud... Just do it.. What does that mean to you ... Next time you are feeling down, don't go for chocolate.. go for a walk ..

    You have to change your mind to change your body.... I have learned getting is fit isn't magic.. any one can do it with the right mind set and dedication!
  • This is exactly the menality I want to have! I have gotten so so much better, but still struggle a bit too much for my liking. Love this attitide! This is exactly what food was meant for ( fuel) Not for our emotional needs. Easier said than done of course, but I plan on trying til i get there!

    Thank you very much ... I want you to read your username to yourself out loud... Just do it.. What does that mean to you ... Next time you are feeling down, don't go for chocolate.. go for a walk ..

    You have to change your mind to change your body.... I have learned getting is fit isn't magic.. any one can do it with the right mind set and dedication!

    That's exactly why i chose that username. Thank you for reminding me of that. It's been a tough month and I needed that reminder! Your awesome!
  • azztkk
    azztkk Posts: 26
    "If you didn't know how old you are, how old would you be ?" - Satchel Paige
  • kaxfenix: Would love to have you as a friend in my corner. If you have room for another friend add me. :smile:
  • "If you didn't know how old you are, how old would you be ?" - Satchel Paige

    That's awesome! Love it