Go Lean Crunch...more like Go "to the bathroom" Crunch



  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    YES, I have the same problem with Go Lean. It's not just gas, it's horrible all-day rumbling and stomach churning + gas. I've never had that kind of reaction to any food before, and that includes Fiber One items, which don't really affect me. I no longer eat any Kashi cereals; it was just too awful.

    I believe the actual culprit is chicory root, not the flax. To read some hilarious stories about Go Lean reactions, go here: http://www.pleasegodno.com/archives/20-1-cup-Kashi-GoLEAN-Crunch-+-12-cup-milk-Endless-stomach-churning-gas..html
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Weird, I eat those at least once a week (cinnamon flavored) and have no issues whatsoever. Usually have them with yogurt though, so maybe the enzymes or bacteria saves me from it? lol. I love the Kashi stuff.

    I cannot stand Fiber one bars though. They're just too dang sweet for their own good. I feel like I'm eating cavity. And then i crave more sugar.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    It's more like...Go lay curled up in a fetal position in agony Crunch. Evil evil stuff :sad:
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I have absolutely nothing useful to contribute to this thread but just want to let the OP know that the title made me LOL for real. :laugh:
  • LuxHappens
    LuxHappens Posts: 72 Member
    It's gotta be the fiber! How much cereal are you eating?
  • br2012
    br2012 Posts: 52 Member
    Chicory Root should come with a warning! I had my gall bladder out 4 years ago. I had a Fiber One bar over the summer and it felt like a gall bladder attack. I have since avoided chicory root until this week... I was awake for two days with pain and 6+ trips to bathroom per day. not diarrhea, just alot. I spent yesterday at the doctors and had xrays and am scheduled for a CT scan tomorrow. Dr really thought kidney stone but blood and urine clear. appendicitis ruled out. shes thinking biliary stone. Then I went over MFP and saw that the only new thing this week was DE-licious new Kashi dark chocolate almond bars. Yep! Chicory Root! Pain has moved from right shoulder blade to low abdomen. Im cancelling CT scan and laying off chicory root AKA inulin. I googled and saw people with GB issues are not to eat chicory!!! It stimulates bile production, intestines and uterus!