Not new but new to maintaining (finding it hard)

Hello everyone :flowerforyou: I'm Clare 29 (nearly 30 :indifferent:) from the UK.

I've been here since February 11 and I'm currently 5'4" and 140lb which even though it's the high end of the bmi its a place I feel happy with due to the fact I've been overweight since I was a child and obese since having my three children. It's also a place that's shocked a lot of the people who have told me my whole life I'm "big boned" or that being big is just the way I'm ment to be. Sadly now I realise i believed them for to long and now know that I'm actually built quite small.

I decided to start a new account to focus on maintaining and not weight loss as I'm finding it very difficult to switch to maintaining one because I'm scared of gaining weight and two because I'm kind of addicted to watching the numbers drop even though I have no desire to be any smaller.

So if anyone else is in a similar situation, has maintained a while or is still losing and would just like to be friends please add me!
