I'm Jane and i'm a shopaholic ! o wait nothing fits me...

Well hello there stranger :happy:
I'm Jane.I'm 18.I'm from Dallas. why am i here you ask ?
Well let's see... I'm tired of going to the mall hoping to buy clothes,but walking out with shoes and jewellery,I'm addicted to carbs,and For a girl thats in love with fashion i sure as hell
can't find anything that looks good on me.
Alot of people look and me and tell me how beautiful i am,i think that's all b.s.
I've once had a guy tell me " your beautiful,but if you lost some weight you would be gorgeous".I wasn't upset or anything
I was actually happy he told me that.For a long time i've always wondered why the hell guys never talk to me,i mean i have alot of guy friends,but just that "FRIENDS" no more !
So what finally made me say "ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH".Actually it all started yesterday.I was at the mall with my younger sister.I told my mother that i would take her shopping,because she was starting junior high and i wanted her to look her best her first day of school, unlike me my first day,I was fat i wore a black hoodie and blue oversize jeans.Anyways as we walked into forever 21 it felt as if i walked into fashion heavan, the clothes,the heels, the reasons why i hate the mall and being around people that are a constant reminder of how huge i am compared to all of them.Okay now let me get to the point, my little sister usually wears dresses so the shape of her body never reveals itself.I choose two outfits for her to try on., she went into the fitting room and wore them , then came out to look at herself in the mirror.My mouth literally dropped to the floor, it wasn't until then, that i truly realized my little girl is not a girl any more.The girls that waited in line to use the fitting rooms looked at her with jealousy and envy.I'll admit it even i a little jealous of my own little 12 year old sister, with curves that would make people ask themselves kim kardashian who ?.So now here i am, i woke up early feeling like crap asking myself how the hell did i become 280 pound ? obviously i could answer that FOOD, FOOD,FOOD ! i mean im not sloppy fat , i have fat in all the right places but i want to be smaller...hopefully myfitnesspal will help me...By now you may be telling yourself , she is doing this for the wrong reason , she shouldn't be losing weight to compete with her little sister.She is suppose to do this to be healthier and have a healthy lifestyle.Well, i am...


  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I have faith in you, that you can do this...It will be hard at time but never give up!
  • Hello Jane
    Good Job :smile: you took the first step this is a great site!
    I started MFP in July and its the best thing I did. I still have 100 lbs to lose :frown: But already lost 50 since April, Its a long hard road! So hopefully it gets easier. You can add me to your friends if you like.
  • Thanks guys and good luck you you as well.I know it'll be hard , but i have faith and i love a good challenge.
  • gini65
    gini65 Posts: 14 Member
    Awesome that you are here and trying to make a change! We all come in here hoping and praying that this time will make a difference. I joined several months ago and needless to say, I start logging daily, doing good, then I fall off the wagon. We all do! But I always come back. So being here is a big step because you are trying to do something. Good Luck! You can do this!!!