BIGGEST pet peeve



  • Grammar nazis who take over a post because O M G! A grammar mistake, oh the horror!

    Grammatical mistake. LOL!
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    people talking with food in their mouth
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    People who exaggerate a story

    This too!!! Especially if the story was already a bit incredible i.e. You throw a paper airplane and it goes let's say 100 feet, but then enter Mr/Ms. Super Exaggerator and when they tell the story "it had to have flown for 100 yards!!!" Really??? A paper airplane went the length of a football field? Dang!

    Wait. You all know my mother? Except her stories are always exaggerated in the negative, so that everything in life is tragic. Sometimes it's entertaining. Most of the time, it's annoying.

    Mine include:
    People who say went when they mean gone ("I should have went") :explode:
    People who say borrow for loan ("I borrowed her money because she's broke") :explode:
    The too-soft handshake. :explode:
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    A ) People who get all bent out of shape and start shooting birds, cussin, spitting and calling people names because someone made a minor driving mistake. Most of us, at some point, have almost backed out in front of someone or put on the blinker then didn't turn. Sometimes, an accident is an accident. Human error.
    B) People who wont take care of their animals. :angry:
  • 1nr15
    1nr15 Posts: 155
    People chewing with their mouths open
    People who are negative all the time
    When people don't use their turn signal
  • AGGUK73
    AGGUK73 Posts: 91 Member
    Liars :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Spelling and/or grammar mistakes on:
    a. menus
    b. print ads
    c. political signs (seriously, if you can't even SPELL candidate, I'm sure as he!! not voting for your guy!)
  • IdahoMAT
    IdahoMAT Posts: 9 Member
    I have many pet peeves, it's hard to pick just one! But the one that springs immediately to mind is when people say, "Oh, I can't have that because I'm on a diet." Ugh. How about saying, "I choose not to have that and instead I'm going to have this healthy option over here."

    But I have to say I agree with all the other pet peeves too!
  • JeffTCole
    JeffTCole Posts: 140 Member
    People who do not take responsibility for their thoughts and deeds.
  • People who think poor planning on their part means an emergency on my part!

  • People taking newborns or very young babies in public. Your 2 week old shirtless baby doesnt need to be in Wal-Mart at 11pm in winter. Or really just any public place.

    Not with ya on that one. Had several. Take them out pretty qucik.
    Yeah, I was curious about this too. I mean my babies were always clothed, don't know what the shirtless part is all about, but I always took my babies out. Both very healthy.

    just took my 17 day old grandson to the mall with his mama (and out to a nice lunch)
    SHE needed to get out of the house LOL
    He was wearing clothes
    no socks though, he keeps kicking them off :(
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    had to come back and find the pet peeve post...

    because out of all of the many fine peeves at IvysHumans Home For Wayward Peeves, I think the biggest one is happening right now:

    Currently listening to this nasty guy a few desks away clearing his throat loudly every 5 seconds. It's pretty nasty. I think he has tubercolosis or some crap because no normal illness sounds this vile. Seriously he has done it 18 times since I started typing this response and I think I'ma bout to go start throwing lozenges at his head.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Turning out in front of someone just to turn again. ESPECIALLY when there's nobody behind you and they could've waited another 3 seconds.

    Yes! Bad driving and aggressive drivers in general. I absolutely hate that because of the car I am driving people assume I want to race and/or I am an a*hole, when in reality I am days away from giving birth and I will not endanger my life or my child's just because I am driving a fast car.
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    People who have their cellphone pretty much glued to their ear for every moment of the day. For Pete's sake, hang up and drive! Or for that matter, hang up and shop!! :noway:

  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    At the gym, people who don't clean after they are done using a machine. IT IS SO GROSS!!
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    New pet peeve (if you can call it that) - Feeling like I'm a total thread-killer. :sad:
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Two transports side by side on the Highway holding up traffic.!
    People that pass you and turn at the next turn!
    People that piss and don't flush...use your dam foot.P:)
    Eating with mouths open!
    Talking with a mouth full....really there are 22-1/2 other hours in a day...shut up and eat!
    Texting, talking on phones, putting make on, having sex all while driving...Seriously! MA A**HOLES!
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    let me think....

    Bad drivers overall (not signaling, honking at me when im yielding to traffic, driving slower than hel!, having me slam on the brakes because people had to make their left turn at that moment when there was still traffic)

    people who make excuses for everything

    people who never clean up after themselves

    people who expect you to do everything on THEIR time only.
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    People who don't wash their hands after going to the loo :frown:
  • tdaddybarlow
    tdaddybarlow Posts: 673 Member
    The too-soft handshake. :explode:

    OMG!!! I hate shaking hands with guys that have soft handshakes. You don't have to break bones in my hand or anything just have a firm, manly handshake. Come on, man!