Was anyone overweight during their childhood or teen years?



  • jacksagod
    jacksagod Posts: 176 Member
    i've been heavy almost all my life with a drastic turn for the heavier when my aunt was murdered back in 1994. i have managed to wittle myself down to the same pant size that i graduated grade school in ( as sickening as that sounds at the moment) but still have a ways to go before i'm down to a manageable size.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I remember thinking I was really fat when I was little, but when I see pics I think "I look *normal*!" As a preteen/teenager I was definitely overweight, but the fact that I took dance lessons several times a week helped keep me in shape. Then when I stopped dancing, the weight reaaaaaaaaally started piling on.

    But yes, for the most part, I've always been overweight/obese/fat/chunky/fluffy/big-boned/whatever.
  • sleepyjean88
    sleepyjean88 Posts: 180 Member
    I've been fat my whole life primary school/high school/uni. Leaving high school I was a size 20 and 17.5 stone, I carried on gaining for the next 6 years and topped at 19 stone 3. School was horrible for me every single day was horrible and I was bullied terribly I was just counting days till I didn't have to go anymore. I was rubbish at PE therefore avoided every possible lesson I could by 'forgetting' my kit or being 'ill' which didn't help, I'm also a comfort eater when I feel bad I turned to food and it wasn't exactly a salad I was eating. I've now lost 45lbs and I'm lighter than I was in high school but I still have a way to go.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Normal sized baby... then from about toddler to Freshman year high school I was "chubby" (big boned as my mom always told me). Then I stretched out and lost the baby fat which was nice. Right now I weigh what I did in high school, but I still need to lose a few lbs before I'm in the healthy zone.
  • TrimThinTonedTight
    TrimThinTonedTight Posts: 69 Member
    Wow thanks for all the great replies!

    It's nice to know that I'm not alone in the whole, 'I don't what's it's like to be thin or fit'.

    The bullying definitely sucked, and I wish I could just forget it. But I can't. Every time I see my reflection, I can hear the cruel comments and feels the stares. I'm slowly, slowly getting over it. I think about it a little less every month.

    But I figure that I've been overweight since I was 7 or 8 years old. Only child, very shy, and lonely, and thus very under active. That combined with the food (Slurpees, huge servings of mashed potatoes, and larges glasses of milk probably happened to be my most likely culprits) probably made me overweight.

    But I'm very excited for when I hit my ultimate goal weight. I think I'll go and buy my first real bikini ever and go for a nice swim.
  • kayfrog
    kayfrog Posts: 109 Member
    I was teeny tiny up until 3rd grade. Ironically, I remember a lot of people asking when I was going to grow. Lol. Well I sure surprised them! I developed early, and I remember hating to have to wear a bra in 3rd grade.

    I've hovered between 155-175 since junior/senior highschool. Around 9th grade I had gotten up to 185lbs and was absolutely disgusted with myself, I remember crying on my moms lap. My mom in turn started going to the gym with me that summer and I was doing pretty well, eating protein bars and shakes, and got down to 145lbs. When I started back to school, I stopped going to the gym because I didn't have time (10th grade was stupidly busy with the AP classes I was taking and the state testings I had to do) and ended up just not eating for a month or two.I ended up gaining back 20lbs, slowly, but still gained it back :P

    No one ever said anything about my weight though, I was my toughest critic. I guess it helps to go to a small school (graduated with 26 other people, most of which I was in kindergarten with).
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I've been overweight most of the time since I was 11. I was normal for a year or so when I was 16, and also dropped down to normal for a while when I was 22 from doing yoga/relaxation. Until I was in my 30s, I was around 30lbs over - from where I am now - that would be a good place to be.
  • caro1275
    caro1275 Posts: 198 Member
    I have yo-yo'd with my weight all my life. I was a chubby kid growing up- but certainly ran around quite a bit outdoors too (bike riding, tag, hide & seek, roller skating etc.). However, I love food and my mom loves to cook (we not only had home cooked dinners but often homemade desserts too!). I suppose I was one of the lucky ones- I always had a lot of friends.

    However, when I was in 9th grade my best friend and I both chubby, decided to lose the weight together. We were both type a personalities and quite competitive. Well looking back now- I can't say I was anorexic, (because this was one short occurence in my life thus far) but what we did most certainly was NOT healthy. We exercised for hours a day, and basically lived off of tea, an apple and whatever's tiny bit of food I could get away with eating at dinner without parents noticing I wasn't eating very much. Of course I lost a ton of weight, and managed to keep it off until college (late night pizza and lots of drinking didn't help!) when I gained it all back plus about 20lbs more!

    I am really hoping to lose the weight slow and steady this time. I am making a life change by just cutting back my portions and eating healthy (rather than trying to follow an one specific diet) and I have joined this community for support (which I so so thankful for!).
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    I was the one fat kid in my class since I was about 8 years old till I graduated. I was a really active kid, I just ate like crap because my family had terrible eating habits and I followed in their footsteps because I didn't know better. My classmates actually never teased or bullied me - I'm guessing it had something to do with the fact that I lived in a small town and went to a very small school, so I had known my classmates pretty much all my life. I did sometimes get rude comments from strangers/new people.

    Looking back, while I was definitely overweight, I was not nearly as fat as I perceived myself to be while I was growing up. I was incredibly insecure, and I really thought I was morbidly obese. This resulted in some pretty unhealthy "dieting phases" in my teen years, which most people would probably classify as disordered eating. It wasn't until I moved out on my own to go to university that I learned proper eating habits and lost a lot of weight.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Hmm I think I was normal for the most part when I was very young. I remember though being size 14 in grade 12 and going steadily up from there.

    I managed my skinniest in my early 20's (135) and then met my x husband, went to university and started packing it on. By the time I graduated university I had gained 90lbs and being in a bad marriage emotionally didn't do much for my health. I went up to 235 in 2004. By 2009 I had managed to get back down to 200 with a personal trainer and about 4K out of pocket. I had to give it up because I got laid off and couldn't afford it anymore.

    I met my current boyfriend just after reaching 200lbs and put on about another 20 over the past 3 years and then I decided to make a change. I am hoping to get into ONEderland permanently in the next couple of weeks for the first time in close to 15 years :)