A question for ladies who lift!



  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    But first, a compliment: you're all my heroines :)

    Now the question: How did you all get started lifting? Tell me your stories, I need the inspiration!!

    I really want to start lifting weights (I love my cardio, and now I want to be STRONG!). I just don't know where to start. I'm currently reading "Starting Strength", per many recommendations... but I still can't muster up the courage to walk into the tiny, dude-packed gym at my work and pick up a barbell for the first time since I was 16. So I want to know how you friggen awesome ladies started out! Did any of you hire a coach or trainer? Take classes? Went with a friend?


    An awesome MFP buddy got me started on strength training in mid-Feb. He noted the insane amount of cardio I was doing at the gym and encouraged me to give strength training a shot. He created a simple routine for me and I got hooked from day one. That all-over soreness the next day scared and excited me at the same time. I couldn't wait to go back to the gym to do it again.

    I have modified that routine several times since then and the weights have become heavier. I have my own equipment now and no longer go to the gym to lift. More importantly, though, I am far more passionate about lifting than I already was six months ago. I also get a kick outta accidentally breaking stuff because I don't realize how much stronger I have become. :laugh: