food scale

I just bought a food scale an whoe did that open my eyes!!! EEK, measuring with cups and spoons was way over estimating things, when I weighed them out the serving size i measured in a cup was up to 1.5 to 2 x larger! That really adds up!! It is hard to go over on the scale because once the number hits the serving size you stop adding. This is going to be a great tool! I encourage anyone who doesn't have one and is struggling to lose weight to get one.


  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I love mine too I feel so good about how I eat now.
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    It's an eye opener for sure... haha! It also helps you learn portion sizes and you eventually get used to eyeballing it when you don't have access to it. Pretty cool.
  • huntee75
    where can i get one?
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I have the Eat Smart Food Scale that I got off of

    A friend of mine just got the Biggest Loser scale from Bed Bath & Beyond. They run $20-$25.

    I have been using mine for 6+ now... it was extremely eye opening at first and now I LOVE it!! :bigsmile: I use it for everything now... :wink:
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    I got mine at Target. It works, but I really wanted one from QVC. They were all sold out when I was trying to order it... figures. But, you can get them at Walmart too. Just keep your receipt in case your not happy with it or something. And, I prefer digital. Mine was 25 dollars.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I really need to invest in one. I eat a lot of cheese...and I know I kid myself about what a serving size is.
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Brenda- Cheese is my thing too! I was WAY over on cheese. 1oz is not a lot at all!!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    We just got one yesterday at Harbor Freight. It was on sale for $15. We discovered this evening (first time we got to use it) that our "5 oz" chicken portions (that's what the package said!) were anywhere from 6 to 9 oz! Holy cow. I highly recommend getting one!
  • kimspassion
    boy can i relate to that one!!!! I just added up a dinner that normally i would eat 2-3x more than i did and it still came out to over 900 calories!!! OMG
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Here is the link to the scale at Harbor Freight. I don't think it's a food scale specificly but it will do every thing we need it too.
  • tyandgil
    I've often thought of buying one, now I know I'm going to. I probably estimate way too less and it comes out way too much. My portion sizes are what's killing me. I try and eat healthy, or healthier, and walk a little, but my portion control is way out of wack. Hopefully this will open up my eyes and make me realize how much I'm actually consuming in one sitting.
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