I'm a Carbotarian!



  • blakgarnet
    I am totally a carb person!! fries, pasta, bread and chips galore! I try to keep them healthy - whole wheat bread and pasta, sweet potatoes instead of white, etc. I do also try to limit it and get the 100 calorie wheat thins to bring with me for lunch. I also try to eat good carbs like fruit first when I crave them. If I have pasta, I also bulk it up with a veggie (broccoli with elbow pastas tossed with a tablespoon of pesto) or protein.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member

    I just had a tooth PULLED.....GONE..... NEVER COMING BACK!!! last week. It was cracked. I am also a big popcorn lover. I'm sure it was either cracked by popcorn, or the frequent eating of popcorn exacerbated it. Not much else can do that to a tooth (a molar).
    I feel terrible about it, and it was not only painful but depending on what I decide to do surgically, it could cost upwards of $4,000 to "fix" and it will never be my own tooth again. :sad:

    Needless to say, I believe that stopped my popcorn habit :ohwell:

    I feel your pain lady, I currently have 6 fake teeth, 1 in the front, 1 K9, and 4 molars. My family is blessed (so the dentist says) with thin enamel or something like that, I dunno. All I know is I love pop corn, have a whole butt load of fake teeth now, and so many root canals I'm surprised I don't set off the alarms at the airport. One of these days I'm just gonna have em knock me out and yank every stupid one out, and replace em with fakes, at least I won't have to worry about cavities any more!

    Tee hee, be careful what you ask for, mister. I have three other "crowns" too - including the front one. This was the first one they pulled. We'll survive!
  • healthworks
    I finally know why I love bread bread and more bread. I'm a Carbotarian!! All carbs all the time:laugh:

    It would be really funny if it weren't so darn true:tongue:

    Ok, done joking now. I shall go eat some meat:flowerforyou:

    Banana bread gets my vote!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hey, Steve -- maybe this will help
    I could eat a single Hershey's kiss and never think twice with a whole bowl of them in front of me, but put a bowl of pop corn in front, and I start to shake. Have I beaten it? No, but I'm winning, and I'll continue to win!

    I just had a tooth PULLED.....GONE..... NEVER COMING BACK!!! last week. It was cracked. I am also a big popcorn lover. I'm sure it was either cracked by popcorn, or the frequent eating of popcorn exacerbated it. Not much else can do that to a tooth (a molar).
    I feel terrible about it, and it was not only painful but depending on what I decide to do surgically, it could cost upwards of $4,000 to "fix" and it will never be my own tooth again. :sad:

    Needless to say, I believe that stopped my popcorn habit :ohwell:

    Owie Cheryl!:cry::sad: :brokenheart: I hate the dentist.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    i have a question, i exercise prob about 800-1,000 calories a day... I take in about 200-300g of carbs a day! i know A LOT right! I was wondering what you guys take in a day because i'm trying to get into ketosis.. Thats about 40-100g a day... Is it possible?!??!

    This is just a humble suggestion from a person who's done a LOT of research, but if you aren't sure, and I mean REALLY sure, what ketosis is all about, I mean deep study, asking experts, talking to lots of people who are both for and against it, I wouldn't do it. Ketosis, while not generally considered dangerous if done correctly(that's harder than it sounds), is VERY demanding on the body, and it's meant to be a permanent lifestyle. People who use it as a way to quickly lose a few pounds, almost always gain the weight back once they come out of it and then usually a little extra.

    And if you have done all this, or want to enter ketosis for other reasons, no, 200 to 300 g of carbs doesn't put you any where near ketosis, you need to be down between 20 and 60 g per day (depending on your body), and just a warning, it'll feel TERRIBLE for a couple of days up to a week or so, light headed, irritable, nausea, diarrhea, headaches...etc. MAKE SURE IF YOU DO THIS, DRINK TONS OF WATER!!!!! That's the number one thing.

    All in all, a difficult journey for most, just be sure of it.

    Or in the hospital hooked up to an IV bag like me. Back when Adkins first got popular I went for it, and lost 10 pounds in a short amount of time....a few weeks and I was only 120 or so to begin with. Ended up in the ER. Never ever again!:sick:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I finally know why I love bread bread and more bread. I'm a Carbotarian!! All carbs all the time:laugh:

    It would be really funny if it weren't so darn true:tongue:

    Ok, done joking now. I shall go eat some meat:flowerforyou:

    Banana bread gets my vote!!

    banana, corn, pumpkin, rye, pumpernickle, italian, cranberry........if it is bread I will eat it.

    Today I was really good and weighed out 2 oz cornbread for my treat. I stayed in all my parameters so 1 day down, the rest of my life to go!!:laugh:
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Guilty. I am a Carboholic and relapse quite frequently :) I am not a sweats person so I think my brain tries to justify my Carb cravings lol. I try to stay away from breads bc I have noticed my body doesnt process them good. Thank goodness I love veggies!! But Carbs are just so damn easy to eat bc its already made for you!!!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    I finally know why I love bread bread and more bread. I'm a Carbotarian!! All carbs all the time:laugh:

    It would be really funny if it weren't so darn true:tongue:

    Ok, done joking now. I shall go eat some meat:flowerforyou:

    ha ha ha ha, I'm so with you on that!!!!
  • BamaRose0107
    i have a question, i exercise prob about 800-1,000 calories a day... I take in about 200-300g of carbs a day! i know A LOT right! I was wondering what you guys take in a day because i'm trying to get into ketosis.. Thats about 40-100g a day... Is it possible?!??!

    This is just a humble suggestion from a person who's done a LOT of research, but if you aren't sure, and I mean REALLY sure, what ketosis is all about, I mean deep study, asking experts, talking to lots of people who are both for and against it, I wouldn't do it. Ketosis, while not generally considered dangerous if done correctly(that's harder than it sounds), is VERY demanding on the body, and it's meant to be a permanent lifestyle. People who use it as a way to quickly lose a few pounds, almost always gain the weight back once they come out of it and then usually a little extra.

    And if you have done all this, or want to enter ketosis for other reasons, no, 200 to 300 g of carbs doesn't put you any where near ketosis, you need to be down between 20 and 60 g per day (depending on your body), and just a warning, it'll feel TERRIBLE for a couple of days up to a week or so, light headed, irritable, nausea, diarrhea, headaches...etc. MAKE SURE IF YOU DO THIS, DRINK TONS OF WATER!!!!! That's the number one thing.

    All in all, a difficult journey for most, just be sure of it.

    Or in the hospital hooked up to an IV bag like me. Back when Adkins first got popular I went for it, and lost 10 pounds in a short amount of time....a few weeks and I was only 120 or so to begin with. Ended up in the ER. Never ever again!:sick:

    I ended up at the hospital when I did the Curves low carb diet which is similar to adkins. I passed out at work and the next thing I knew I was at the ER.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Or in the hospital hooked up to an IV bag like me. Back when Adkins first got popular I went for it, and lost 10 pounds in a short amount of time....a few weeks and I was only 120 or so to begin with. Ended up in the ER. Never ever again

    Whoa, Jeannie, that's scary. In all things moderation, I guess.

    And the tooth.....it's all good. I actually like the dentist...I found a good one. They give me nitrous. I have a little one-person party every time I get my teeth cleaned :smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Or in the hospital hooked up to an IV bag like me. Back when Adkins first got popular I went for it, and lost 10 pounds in a short amount of time....a few weeks and I was only 120 or so to begin with. Ended up in the ER. Never ever again

    Whoa, Jeannie, that's scary. In all things moderation, I guess.

    And the tooth.....it's all good. I actually like the dentist...I found a good one. They give me nitrous. I have a little one-person party every time I get my teeth cleaned :smile:

    So true Cheryl (btw love love love the AV!) I have a great dentist too....it is the fear of a cracked tooth and all it may intail that sends shivers down my spine.

    Oh I did the Adkins off a peice of paper. I had NO carbs.......zip. I went from stuffing sandwhiches to 10 oz of beef at a sitting with spinach........the 10 veggies with no carbs. Stupid stupid stupid.

    Live and learn.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    So true Cheryl (btw love love love the AV!) I have a great dentist too....it is the fear of a cracked tooth and all it may intail that sends shivers down my spine.

    Oh I did the Adkins off a peice of paper. I had NO carbs.......zip. I went from stuffing sandwhiches to 10 oz of beef at a sitting with spinach........the 10 veggies with no carbs. Stupid stupid stupid.

    Live and learn.

    I'm taking a step of faith that the picture doesn't create grief in my life.....mfp can be an odd place. I kinda like the "anonymous" avs better...whaddyagonnado?

    mmmm. spinach. gag...beef...
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    So true Cheryl (btw love love love the AV!) I have a great dentist too....it is the fear of a cracked tooth and all it may intail that sends shivers down my spine.

    Oh I did the Adkins off a peice of paper. I had NO carbs.......zip. I went from stuffing sandwhiches to 10 oz of beef at a sitting with spinach........the 10 veggies with no carbs. Stupid stupid stupid.

    Live and learn.

    I'm taking a step of faith that the picture doesn't create grief in my life.....mfp can be an odd place. I kinda like the "anonymous" avs better...whaddyagonnado?

    mmmm. spinach. gag...beef...

    mmmmm both. I made a wonderful chicken/spinach/onion dish last night. Gonna have some for lunch YEH!!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I think bread and potatoes are my favorite foods!! Here's what I do...there's a really nice upscale grocery down the road from me, and sometimes when I get bored or need a specialty item, I'll go over there. I walk around the bakery and sniff all the bread. Like, stick my nose in the bag haha

    I walk by the individual items in that glass case and always want to get something. There's muffins, donuts, cookies, rolls, and my fave chocolate stuffed croissant. Wahhhhhhh I love carbs!! I could live on them alone!