I go over my carbs every single day

Seriously, how do you people manage it? Today's a bad example because at the end of the month I'm out of money and resort to eating whatever's left in the fridge, so for lunch I had a cucumber and a carrot, which left me still substantially hungry, and as such I dipped into the secret hidden bag of chocolates that I stashed in my drawer 4 months ago (but rarely ever eat). So obviously all that sugar is going to contribute to my carb problem, but even without that, I would have gone over. Granted, I haven't actually eaten several of the foods I allotted for myself in my diary today, so I could stay under on carbs, but then I'd be way under on calories since I am still 184 calories shy of 1200 and I haven't exercised yet today.

This seems utterly impossible!


  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    I was rather surprised that I don't go over my carbs more often. Though I'm sure I have a much higher allowance, especially with exercise. And I'm not much of a sweet tooth.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I changed my settings, so it rarely goes red anymore.