How To Drink 8 Cups A Day-WATER

Is it just me or is it really hard to drink 8 cups of water a day as a minimum??

Any tips on how to do this... i try and drink as much as possible (while at work, in the AM, and ONLY what i drink at home...) but i never seem to be able to drink that much..

and now i am starting a new challenge for September.. i need to drink at least 8 cups a day...





  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    I don't know how to help you increase your water intake. If you don't like the taste, try adding fresh fruit or lemon/lime slices to the water. Or fill a 2 liter pop bottle with water and make it your goal to drink a full bottle every day. Then try to increase the quantity from there. When you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water first to see if the hungry feeling goes away. If it does, you weren't hungry, you were thirsty!!

    Personally, I drink 8 liters or more of water every day. My water consumption does go down in the winter but I make up for it with tea.

    Remember, water comes in many forms: liquid, frozen, etc. Chew ice cubes, drink tea, easy on the soft drinks, make your own slushies using water, ice, and fresh fruit.

    Hope this helps.
  • supergirlie00
    I have the same problem! Some days I'm really good about my water intake other days not so much. For me personally lemon helps me drink water quickly, or fruit chunks. It also has to be super cold! I guess the only solution is to JUST DO IT! ;)
  • niskagirl
    niskagirl Posts: 2 Member
    I find adding 1-2 drops of pure peppermint oil helps me. I love the refreshing taste while I'm working out. Probably not for everyone, but I like it!
  • Rebzan
    Rebzan Posts: 24
    I have found out I drink more water when I have a straw?? Not sure why that is but I drink at least 5 cups of water at work and it is because I have a cup with a straw that I leave there and I fill it up with ice and water in the morning and afternoon.
  • girllovedcupcakes
    girllovedcupcakes Posts: 109 Member
    I have a 23.7oz Smart Water I keep with me at all times. I try to drink half on the way to work and at least the other half before my first break. I drink one of these practically every two hours. I drink constantly when working out like 3 whole water bottles full lol.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    get one of these! its the only way I have found to get my water in everyday. Its 2.2 liters. Fill it in the morning, drink all day till its gone.

  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I drink 20oz in the car on the way to work, before I have a coffee. 20oz during/after a workout. That's two-thirds of the goal without trying all that hard. You will drink more if you have a straw; I get a (16oz?) cup of water at lunch and try to refill once in the afternoon, else a glass or two with dinner get me there.

    You may be surprised to find how often you are really thirsty, and not hungry.
  • kclarkss
    kclarkss Posts: 69 Member
    Have a glass every hour.

    Or have two for breakfast, two for mid morning, two for lunch, two for mid afternoon, two for dinner. (10, 8oz water).
  • pattiejp
    The only way I can do it is make sure its cold and I put crystal light or something similar. That ways it goes down fast and even before you know it you're looking for more =)
  • supergirlie00
    I find adding 1-2 drops of pure peppermint oil helps me. I love the refreshing taste while I'm working out. Probably not for everyone, but I like it!

    That sounds like a pretty fantastic idea! May have to try this... yummy.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I just keep a 24 oz bottle of water with me at all times. If I'm at work, I have water at my desk. If I'm cooking, I have water on the counter, if I'm watching TV, I have water on the end table, if I'm working out, I have a bottle on the machine or strapped to my waist, if I'm out with the hubby, I have a bottle in my hand. I find myself drinking 18-21 cups of water everyday without even thinking about it since it's just always there. And that's with giving myself a 10pm cut off time most nights so I'm not using the restroom all night. (Sometimes I work out after 10pm, so I'll just finish that bottle off whenever I'm done)

    And when I'm out and about with the hubby, if I finish the bottle, I just walk into the nearest food establishment or bar and ask them to fill it up. I've never once had anyone tell me no in my three years of doing it. If I know that I'm going to be someplace that I won't be able to get it filled, I bring extra filled bottles.
  • purpleblaze
    i find it hard too! but when i do drink lots i need to pee all the time! i dont have time for that... im a busy lady ;)
  • OliveCarsey
    I use MIO in my water- I fill an 8 cup water bottle first thing when I get up and drink that, usually by dinner time I need to refill it- I rarely drink anything but water these days. I don't like my water really cold or really warm, has to be just a tad colder than room temp, I have found that when I get really cold water I won't drink as much of it. Occasionally i put some mint leaves in my water also.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    just keep a water bottle with you as often as possible and you will find yourself reaching for it and drinking without even realizing it. and as soon as it's empty, fill it up
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    I have a water bottle. I HATE drinking in out of cups and I get alot more down with a water bottle. The smart water bottles hold 4 cups of water. I drink 2 a day and I've hit my goal.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Is it really 8 cups? (as in, 250ml) of water? If so, I must be drinking far too much :sick: I've been drinking big glasses & sometimes pint glasses of water...1 pint = 2 cups, I think...woops haha!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I keep a water bottle beside my computer, and carry it around from room to room with me. If it's always in my line of sight, I remember to take a mouthful frequently. It adds up.
  • akrnrunner
    akrnrunner Posts: 117 Member
    A water bottle with a straw built in! Mines a Contigo from Target. Love it!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Get a 30 oz mug. Fill it with water. Stand by sink and chug until it's gone. Refill. Repeat at lunch and dinner. Easy peasy.