Not new but could use some support :)

I’m 26, 5/8 ("hourglass figure") and currently fluctuating around 195lbs. My goal is a FIT 160lbs and to be able to accomplish a half marathon. Being active and fit is more important to me then the number on my scale. I did my first 5K (The Color Run in Sacramento, CA) in the beginning of August and had a blast. All of my friends who I convinced to sign up to MFP with me (well over a year ago) have never kept up with it. I just recently got my motivation back and have been steady at tracking for about 3 weeks now. The hardest part was figuring out what I could eat because I'm newly lactose intolerant and it was VERY discouraging transitioning from being able to order/eat whatever I wanted to REALLY paying attention to what I'm putting in my body. not to mention I grew up on a Dairy Farm and my dad and I were what we called "cheeseoholics". The lactose intolerance started last year just before my husband and I got married (quite a bit of stress surrounding that time as much of you can probably relate to). I'd like a few MFP friends with similar height, SW and GW's to help with the motivation, support and accountability thing. So if anyone is interested let me know. Thanks for reading if nothing else :) -- Meg