Maybe a 'Success Stories' topic, but the time isnt yet right

Although many might consider it a minor success, to me it's pretty major. For quite a few years now I have been stuck at a 34" waist - wanting to get to 32" but without really trying, apart from the odd treadmill hammering session. I've never really come close to 32"....... til today. I have got a nice pair of jeans that I bought about 3 years ago that I was really hoping I would get into - hoping that even though I couldn't at the time get into them, that it would spur me on to get them to fit comfortably. I was fairly close at the time, so might have been 33" or so. But the opposite happened and I just got bigger. Up to 2 weeks ago 34" was just about the perfect size for me. Comfortable. But having been on MFP now for 16 days, and now 12.2lbs lighter, I decided to try on said jeans. AND THEY FIT! Not quite perfect, but everyone knows that new jeans will give a little after a few minutes of wear. They felt just like that. With a few minutes wear they would fit brilliantly.

2 more lbs and I will have hit the 1stone mark. At this rate I should be there by the end of this week......hopefully! Here's to a comfortable 32" :-) There will be some of you out there thinking 34" what a moron - I'd give my right arm to fit into 34" trousers. But we all have our goals, and whatever yours is set at I wish you the very best. It's just that to me, this really is why I signed up to MFP. If only 1 person that reads this gets some sort of motivation from it, then I will feel like I have certainly done a small part to help.

BTW, thank you all for your success stories and motivation offered. Not just to me, but to all our fellow members, it's really humbling to know there are fellow comrades out there willing to hold out a hand when we need it the most.