Clean by Alejandro Junger, MD

Has anyone read the book "Clean" by Alejandro Junger, M.D?

I found it on B& today, and it seemed intriguing. It looks as though it's a detoxifying to help improve overall health and wellbeing.

I'm curious, and might splurge for the eBook, but was wondering if anyone here had taken a gander first and what they thought.


  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Check to see if your local library or library Consortium has a copy. I just checked online on my library's site, and they have a copy in another town that I can request.
  • LadyAshe
    LadyAshe Posts: 12 Member
    My sister-in-law has a copy that I flipped through. It looked pretty good to me but I think I would only go as far as the preparation part of the diet, which is your typical fruits vegigies, salmon and the like (although specific fruits and vegetables that are detoxifying). The actual clean diet is mainly fluids and concoctions from a blender for breakfast and dinner and real food for your lunch....and not much. The book only recommends doing this part of the diet for about 2 weeks. Its obviously not a lifestyle, just something to "reboot" your to speak. My sister-in-law did end up doing it awhile ago, and noticed clearer skin and more energy and some weight loss.....but it only lasted until shortly after she reintroduced regular foods back to her diet.

    I am still on the fence about it....
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    It's a great book. I managed the plan for 14 days, they recommend doing it for 21 days. I wish I had a juicer so that I can do it again with juicing as well. It's really about not eating junk which we shouldn't do anyhow so I wouldn't say it's a fad. I felt a lot better health wise and never ate so many vegetables before in my life.
  • kaytbognar
    I've been reading the free sample of the eBook from B&N, and so far I'm interested.

    Sapporo -- Awesome that you enjoyed it! Out of curiosity, have you tried any other detox diets that you might compare it to? I like that it was designed by a physician, feels like it has a little more credibility behind it than some other popular cleanses and detoxes. Also, CUTE userpic :D

    LadyAshe -- Thanks for the info! I was pretty sure that it was a temporary detox program, not a full lifestyle overhaul. What did you sister have to say about when she did it? When she went back to regular food, was she eating relatively healthy, avoiding process and refined foods? If it's a large amount of juicing and blending, I may not have the resources right now to do it, but maybe when I get back home to Toronto...

    rtmama -- I considered the library, but sadly, I am in a very isolated place so almost all my reading has to come in eBook format at the moment. That's part of why I was interested in Clean, because it seemed like an interesting detox AND it was in a medium I can handle right now :D