Hi everybody! I'm new here, too!

TattingChic Posts: 14 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Have really benefited from trying out the My Fitness Pal food diary! It has really made a difference for me. I have told my friends and family about it and even gotten two people to sign up because I've been so enthusiastic about what I've experienced. Thanks! Say hello if you would like.:flowerforyou:


  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello TattingChic, if only you could get commission for recommending & or sign up hahaha. I wish you all the best.:smile:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Have really benefitted from trying out the My Fitness Pal food diary! It has really made a difference for me. I have told my friends and family about it and even gotten two people to sign up because I've been so enthusiastic about what I've experienced. Thanks! Say hello if you would like.:flowerforyou:

    Hello. :flowerforyou: You've got every right to be excited about MFP, because it REALLY, REALLY WORKS! :love: So stick with it, and you WILL lose all the weight that you want to. :happy:
  • TattingChic
    TattingChic Posts: 14 Member
    Hi NotSurprised! Thanks for saying hello! Wouldn't that be great if there was a commission, LOL! :laugh:

    Hi BrenNew! Thanks for the encouragement! I agree with you about sticking with logging food, it does work! :smile:

    Wow, way to roll out the "Welcome Wagon" guys! I appreciate it! It looks like you both have already accomplished a lot here! Good for you! Everyone seems very supportive here. :heart:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi NotSurprised! Thanks for saying hello! Wouldn't that be great if there was a commission, LOL! :laugh:

    Hi BrenNew! Thanks for the encouragement! I agree with you about sticking with logging food, it does work! :smile:

    Wow, way to roll out the "Welcome Wagon" guys! I appreciate it! It looks like you both have already accomplished a lot here! Good for you! Everyone seems very supportive here. :heart:

    Yes, everyone IS supportive, that's for sure! I can't say enough good about MFP. :love: I've been raving about it pretty much every day of the year and a half I've been a member! :love:
    Gotta warn you of one thing though. MFP is VERY addicting! :laugh:
  • TattingChic
    TattingChic Posts: 14 Member
    Ha ha! I'm getting that BrenNew! I just went over my food diary from when I started here and I was surprised to see that it's already been almost a month! I've been coming here everyday! It's really helped me increase my awareness of what I'm putting in my body and helping me make healthier choices! I think I'm already addicted. As far as "addictions" go, this is not a bad one at all to have! LOL! :happy:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Ha ha! I'm getting that BrenNew! I just went over my food diary from when I started here and I was surprised to see that it's already been almost a month! I've been coming here everyday! It's really helped me increase my awareness of what I'm putting in my body and helping me make healthier choices! I think I'm already addicted. As far as "addictions" go, this is not a bad one at all to have! LOL! :happy:

    Nope, it isn't a bad addiction at all, is it?!!! :laugh:
    Whenever I run into someone who hasn't seen me for a long time and can't get over my weight loss, I tell them that all I really needed was "seeing" everything that was going into my mouth, and then making better food choices and getting some exercise to "up" my numbers. (so that I could eat more! :laugh: ) It was so simple, yet so effective! I am sooo much happier and healthier than I've ever been, and I owe it all to this "addictive" site and all it's wonderfully supportive members! :love: I'm sure you'll find it the same way yourself! :smile:
  • TattingChic
    TattingChic Posts: 14 Member
    Good for you, BrenNew for making the healthy changes you needed to make. It really DOES make a difference to increase your awareness of what you are putting in your mouth. ( by "you" I mean it in the general sense of people in general not "YOU" directly).
    Anyway, it's a change I know I've needed to make for a while now. I was a size 8 for over 10 years and then health issues contributed to the weight gain. I am looking forward to getting my old size back and I know that documenting what I eat daily is the key to doing that!
  • Welcome!!! (We should get commission for signing people up LOL!) I hope this site helps you in your journey! I LOVE it!!

    Good Luck :)
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