A 180 degree shift

lgfeilmeier Posts: 21
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Am I doing something wrong? The first two weeks on this calorie counting program and I lost .5lbs a day. Now I"m gaining 1lb a day, but nothing has changed. I"m almost back to where I started. I'm still within my calories. Is this normal? What can I change to get back to losing?


  • TattingChic
    TattingChic Posts: 14 Member
    I know that fluctuating 1-3 pounds even in one day is normal. Weight loss from all the effort put in today won't show up tomorrow or even the next day. It takes days for the metabolism to help our body experience the weight loss from the calorie counting and exorcising we did today. I would encourage you to weigh once a week and not fixate on the numbers so much. I mean that in the kindest way possible. Sometimes people can get so discouraged looking at those numbers.
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    I know when I started it took me a few weeks to find the right calorie count for myself. I bounced around up and down with the same few pounds (on,off, on,off) it was very frustrating. After I found the right calorie lelal (1430) it has been coming off 1 pound per week like clock work. Some weks are almost 2 pounds. I have hit a wall twice and did not lose anything for a week and 1/2 then they started coming off again. Keep at it WILL HAPPEN. Keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race.
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