Newbie and all that fun stuff...

Hey all!!! My name is Kelly - i'm 33 and a WAHM of 2 kids (ages 7 and 3). My job consists of me sitting on my fat rump and inputting menus all day long... yeah not exactly conducive to weight loss lol. I have dropped about 25+ pounds since Nov 2011 and have plateaued a bit. I believe it's because I stopped tracking and really doing anything proactive. I haven't gained much back (about 4 lbs) - but still, I don't want to start putting it back on. I am trying to motivate to the gym - I have about 4 people who keep telling me that they'll go with me but nothing, so I need to go solo and in truth I'm a wuss about it lol. I am also a smoker... i have been smoking since I was 18 (except when pregnant/nursing) and just need to quit. Nothing on the market has worked for me (did the pill made me ready to kill everyone), gum makes me nauseous and the patch just made me have insanely vivid dreams to the point that i didn't sleep for days. Currently i have one of them new e-cigarettes and am getting ready to start within the next week.... just trying to get everything else in order (it's my one vice really and I have quite a stressful life right now).

So that is me in a nutshell - i have a ton of awesome recipes ( i love to cook and bake) and am just a big 'talker', so feel free to add me!!