Struggling Friends

In MFP Land I have never denied a friend. I have never de-friended someone. But I have a few friends who struggle- some constantly struggle. I absolutely understand, I have my own struggles, obstacles, barriers, and denials that i deal with on a daily basis. However there is a difference between struggling and lack of commitment. I know first hand. I can't in good conscience cut non-committers loose, but I am saddened every time I receive these auto updates that so and so might need encouragement. I send a note. Maybe it is helpful. Or maybe not. I can tell you when I was not committed, I would find a MSG sent to me to encourage me offensive. "How dare you!". So if I send you a note and you find it offensive in the least, please let me know. If you decide to cut me loose, I'll understand. I appreciate all of my now and future friends in MFP Land. But not everyone has reached the level of determination That i need for me to get fit. I get that. I was the same way until I found this place - this wonderful life changing tool! All I can say is I wish you all well with your individual struggles. You can tackle them and share that accomplishment here without feeling embarrassed, you can speak your mind, you can lurk, but truthfully I hope you choose to tackle head on. I love seeing your victories, scale or otherwise! I am excited about sharing the changes I am seeing, not only in the way I look and feel, but in what activities I am beginning to do, some for the first time. I like to hear those things from you!
