Working out an exercise routine as I approach goal weight

geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
A bit of a ramble, so I'll start with the background:
I'm now not getting far off my weight-goal (am at 171lb of 160lb - I started on around 225lb in may), at which point I plan to start making a decent effort to bulk up a bit.

Generally I want to get fitter too, as ever.
That weight should put me at around 10% body fat. About right for some Abs to show through, if I develop something a bit bigger down there! Plan has always been for the last few years to hit 10%, then go for some bulking up to maybe 13% or whatever, back down to 10% 'cut phase' and repeat. In the past I've lost the will to carry on through various reasons and ended up putting weight back on - so far this time's the best yet.

Want to start making an effort as soon as possible, ideally so I can having something to show when I'm at my target weight (biceps etc already look reasonable), but do need to work on my 'core'.

Over a week or so I want:
2 or 3 indoor bouldering/climbing sessions.
Some HIIT maybe
Lots of abs specific work.
Some running and some cycling. I fancy giving a trialthon a go some day (probably next year, my swimming really sucks at the moment), so possibly even combine these into the same day if I've got time.
Probably some 'normal' weights using dumbbells - though possible this could just be covered by the HIIT sessions?

So I was thinking something along the lines of:
Monday: Cycle to and from local indoor climbing place for 3 hour 'lunch time special' (3 miles each way, can add some more in if needed, maybe even run it.) Maybe abs workout in the evening.
Tuesday HIIT + maybe a run with the dog.
Wednesday rest
Thursday Climbing in the evening (at the better but further away place that does free instruction on Thursday nights.) Possibly cycle if I have lots of time - 10 miles each way.
Friday - HIIT then/incorporating ABS specific stuff.
Saturday/Sunday - Maybe some kind of 'event' (ie mtb XC race etc) and some 'traditional weights'.

I've got a multigym I can set up at my work unit - though probably only use this for lat pull-downs and leg extensions. Also planning to get an incline/decline bench and some dumbbell bars to go with the large collection of weight plates I have accumulated, somehow misplacing all the small bars.

Running and cycling will be weather dependant.

Also add in lots of dog walking too (irrelevant generally, but more calories burnt etc :), even after doing lots of hard exercise, I'm still happy to go for a 5 mile dog walk if I have the time etc and it shouldn't get in the way of other stuff I reckon.) Daily cycling to get around rather than the van where possible - a 'get around' bike now acquired for that purpose.

Any thoughts?