Somebody help!! Please!!

Hey guys I know this has nothing to do with weight loss but I need help...I have a mega sore throat and I am out of my usual remedies....I have no honey lemon tea, no ibuprofen, no lozenges!!! If anyone has any other suggestions....just want to sleep but can't cause it hurts to even swallow!!

Thanks I appreciate it so so much


  • BamaRose0107
    I usually gargle with warm salt water. The taste is not to pleasant but it works. Hope this helps. You can also sip pickle juice, I know sounds gross, my grandma had me do that for my soar throat and caugh many times and it worked.
  • AsianTexan
    AsianTexan Posts: 42 Member
    Try gargling warm water with salt... for me, that numbs the pain a little. Hope you feel better soon!
  • jbgordon43
    gargle with warm salt water and drink hot water just like it's tea.
  • LadyAshe
    LadyAshe Posts: 12 Member
    Ty guys...I didn't even think of that, even though its well known...about to gargle then hopefully sleep!!
    Thanks again!
  • slimmingmom
    Gargling with 1 part peroxide and 3 parts warm water is what I usually do...just don't swallow any of it unless you want a tummy ache, lol. And for sinus type stuff if you dip a Q-tip complety in peroxide and "snort" it through each nostril it'll burn pretty bad at first but leave you feeling GREAT after about a minute! Just thought I would share the last one ;) (if you don't get enough with the Q-tip you can try other things too).
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Send best friend or significant other to Walmart for some chloroseptic and max strength sucrets. That's what they are there for! :)
  • mandita
    1. Grate 2 fresh peeeled potatoes. Spray with alcohol . Put the grated potatoes in a cloth , and put this on your neck and stay like this warm in your bed
    2. boil very hard 2 big onions, with a lid on that pot. A cup of this tea with 2 spoons of honney. Drink slowly.

    Sorry for my english, sometimes is very hard to me to explain certain things, but these remedies are really good. I am asthmatic and alergic so I can take medicines. and these remedies are the only help.

    And for the ones with bronchitis: crush a big leaf of cabbage, fry for 20 seconds in a heated pan, take the leaf and put it on your chest.

    PS I use crushed cabbage for my cellulitis lol. It's anti inflamator.