friends and support

:smile: I'm new at this deal...I tried Weight Watchers and I started out good the first few weeks..then I didn't get to log in and record mymeals like I should and didn't do well after that...this one seems alot more informative and I think I can keep up with it better..still new though so I need all the help I can get..I wish everyone the best


  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    I'm fairly new at this myself and have come close to giving up a few times. What helps me stick to it is having the app on my smartphone. It's encouraging that I can scan a barcode and get instant information on most products. That makes it super simple to log my meals and add recipes. My original goal was just to track what I was eating to see if I could figure out where I why I was suddenly gaining weight, but I found that MFP makes it really easy to make better decisions. That encourages me to stick with it. By the way, I did find my answer...I eat a lot. I've only made minor sacrifices in what I eat but I'm learning to control my portions and finding that I feel satisfied with a "normal" portion.

    You can do it. There is plenty of motivation on the message boards to keep you coming back. Good luck! :smile:
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I've been on here since December and really love this site and have made some wonderful friends. They help keep me motivated and encouraged. Please feel free to add me.
  • I've only been on for about a month and find this more helpful than Weight Watchers. Hopefully, I will continue to lose weight, but I enjoy being able to carefully monitor what I eat.