Rushfit for the unfit?

Been off my weight loss journey for a while now...gained almost all my weight back and now I need to get back motivated. I'm not in the best shape. I'm thinking of getting the Rushfit videos but I'm not sure. Has anyone that i not already fit tried them?


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Well, I've done most of them to try them out. They're pretty intense, but then I like to go at it hard! Eric, the programme's designer, provides modifications for every move. It will be perfectly possible to pass through 1 rotation of the programme modifying the moves to suit your activity level whilst maintaining good form. Almost all the moves activate several muscles groups and stabiliser muscles and provide the most punch for the 5 rounds..... you'll be surprised how fast the workouts fly by and yet they are great calorie burners (each workout has a 10 min warm up, followed by 5x5 min rounds and a 5 min warm down). As you become more familiar with the moves and your fitness increases you'll be able to up the intensity (try to get more reps in the set time) or remove modifications (try to do the moves as George does them) and the workouts will stay challenging and fresh.

    I say: don't be scared! Go for it. It's a very well designed programme, form and safety are emphasised, Eric and George make a good double act (Eric is wry and dry and knows his stuff, George is humorous and philosophical by turns), the workouts look to scale well to different activity levels.

    I will say that I'm pretty fit and a martial artist, so maybe not the person you were looking to answer your question, but I know good stuff when I see it!
  • Toibear
    Toibear Posts: 31
    Thanks. I ordered it today. Cant hurt to try. :)
  • I weigh 281 and I started them last week. I used to be on my way to fit but was not allowed to exercise for 5 months because of abdominal surgery so i lost all my fitness. It kicks my *kitten* but i can do it. barely. lol Except for the burpees because my knees are shot. But I know from last time that as i lose weight and get stronger my knees will be better too.

    It's a serious video series, there's no whooping and "good job!" exclamations by gym bunnies who are barely working. Also I find Tony Horton kinda smarmy which is why i didn't go the P90X route. (and nobody's pushing their supplements on you either, like they do in P90X)

    So yeah you'll be able to do it. And as you do it, you'll get better. Georges works really hard in the series, he's always pushing himself to his limits and he's not good at all of it. Plus the accent's fun. (I'm a canadian girl lol)

    Good luck. And take a before picture and an after picture after the first 8 weeks, send them in and you get a free t-shirt. Apparently. Also do check out their blog. They have some great articles there about maximizing workouts, why it might not be working for you, nutrition, hydration. Really useful stuff.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Thanks. I ordered it today. Cant hurt to try. :)

    You go girl! I'll expect a report in two months!
  • Toibear
    Toibear Posts: 31
    Thanks nevmarchant. better be a good report
  • I love it, i am on week five and have lost 11 pounds so far! I am at the intermediate level and it is a challenge for me. I tried p90x, insanity and rushfit is the better choice. I like how they explain all the moves an also give you alternative moves if you can't do the one they are doing. Best part, all you need is your body weight and a few free weights.
  • axisbuck24
    axisbuck24 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started it two days ago and hope to follow thru the entire eight weeks. I have started running three weeks ago and I am up to three miles twice a week. So I will be adding in Rushfit in hopes of losing these last stubborn 15 pounds or some of the baby fat on my tummy.