So, what should I be eating?



  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    You have received all excellent advice. I would look in to what you are eating that your insides do not like. The suggestion that you might be intolerant of gluten is excellent, and something you should look into. Since you are starting what sounds like a physician assisted (right?) 12 week program, it seems that you will also get great advice from professionals as well, which is always valuable.

    Changing what I eat and increasing exercise has made the biggest difference to me. I haven't lost weight by leaps and bounds, but I feel much better and my clothes are looser. I do Zumba 4-5 times a week (60 minutes) and deep water aerobics 1-2 times a week (also 60 minutes). This means that I wind up working out 6 days a week. It's a big commitment, but I'm addicted, and if I miss, I don't feel right. I now rarely eat red meat and almost never ingest sugar. I don't worry about sugars that come from fruits so much, but any other sugars I do not do. I also don't drink calories, no soda of any kind and I don't have any artificial sweeteners. I drink water! Me! Amazing! My one indulgence is the occasional iced coffee with 2% milk and no sweetener from Starbucks. 70 calories. Yum. I keep my total caloric intake to about 1390 calories, but your ideal intake will depend on your BMI. MFP will tell you what to eat. :)

    I made these changes about 2 months ago and it has been much easier than I thought it would be to stick to it. Now that doesn't mean that I haven't once had chocolate in a PMS-induced rage, but I didn't have a lot and I counted the calories!

    Best wishes to you! I look forward to hearing what the results of your 12 week program are!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Diets = :noway:

    You need to make some permanent lifestyle changes that you are willing and able to live with forever. Anything too restrictive or extreme is not sustainable and will generally fail in the long term. Don't look at this as a temporary thing. You aren't dating a diet here - you are marrying a lifestyle! :flowerforyou:
  • Stephanie_Autry
    Stephanie_Autry Posts: 228 Member
    There are so many diets to choose from, and Ive done so many! I did hcg, phentermine, atkins (for as long as I could take it), low fat, low carb...ect.. All in all I know it wasn't the diet that failed me it was me that failed. I have been considering going back on a "diet" but I honestly have to say I don't know which one is the best for me. I'm the type that goes all in on something and i give in after a week. I'm one of those people that has no willpower and the gut to show for it. Next month I'll be enrolling in a 12 week weightloss "camp" that includes training, blood work (to eastablish a base line), stress test and behavioral therapy. I know its a lot and I'm so looking forward to it and I really really want to make thos work! I know that when I eat "healthy" it doesnt seem to mean healtly for me! I have ibs & ulcers and that seems to irritate my stomach even more. I'm so glad I found this so I'm askig what has worked for you? I'm a little overwhelmed and could use some friends and advice

    Thanks :-)

    Diets don't work- just change your lifestyle to a healthier one. Eat fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, good fats, good protein, and plenty of water. You will lose weight in no time. You can alter recipes and make a healthier cheeseburger, pizza, fries, and frozen yogurts.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    why go on any of those diets. just eat at a caloric deficit.

    ^^this. Keep it simple.

    ^^ this x 10
    and patience. it doesn't happen overnight. or over a week, or a month.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    just stay within your cals, try to fill up with turkey, chicken, vegetables, fruit, it is a good idea to look at peoples diaries that have made good progress to get ideas for food, but keep in mind you need to find what works for you, this is a lifestyle change not a diet, dont try to eat foods you hate just because they are healthy. Find foods you love that are healthy and lowcal, take your favorites and try to redo them for lower cals
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    There are so many diets to choose from, and Ive done so many! I did hcg, phentermine, atkins (for as long as I could take it), low fat, low carb...ect.. All in all I know it wasn't the diet that failed me it was me that failed. I have been considering going back on a "diet" but I honestly have to say I don't know which one is the best for me. I'm the type that goes all in on something and i give in after a week. I'm one of those people that has no willpower and the gut to show for it. Next month I'll be enrolling in a 12 week weightloss "camp" that includes training, blood work (to eastablish a base line), stress test and behavioral therapy. I know its a lot and I'm so looking forward to it and I really really want to make thos work! I know that when I eat "healthy" it doesnt seem to mean healtly for me! I have ibs & ulcers and that seems to irritate my stomach even more. I'm so glad I found this so I'm askig what has worked for you? I'm a little overwhelmed and could use some friends and advice

    Thanks :-)

    Nope. You didn't fail. Diets, as they are, set you up to fail. Believe what you want to about that, but please, check out this site. The only way to be successful is to 'do it' the way you are going to 'do it' forever. I'm not gonna lie. It does take dedication to the plan, but when you eating well and fueling your body? It makes it easy to do. Go to the site and see what you could be doing. I had just as much weight as you have to lose and I'm almost halfway there now. helloitsdan already opened the door for you in a previous post. Walk through.
  • Tatonluv
    Tatonluv Posts: 18 Member
    Thank y'all so much for the advice :-) makes it a lot easier for me to keep on track. I will be hitting the gym more and just stay in touch with my calorie limits.

    Thanks again :-)