Weighing and amount

Hey, my mum has hidden the scales to weigh the food etc etc and I need to know how else to determine how much I am having per serving of porridge/cereal/nuts/seeds/milk etc etc
please help


  • GrAlVt
    GrAlVt Posts: 42
    There is no way as accurate as a scale to determine food amounts.

    Steal and hide your mother's shoes and/or kidnap her pet for ransom. Your scales will be returned in short order.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Can you use cups?
  • auntygill
    auntygill Posts: 108 Member
    Oh no , i would be so lost without mine ,i even have a mico mini set that i keep in handbag for work , dont care if i look stupid :blushing: , if you can go out and buy a set of your own then do , some of them are not expencive at all .:smile:
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Makes me question why your mum would have done that, unless she is vey concerned about your health or lack of eating? Would she be justified?
  • Makes me question why your mum would have done that, unless she is vey concerned about your health or lack of eating? Would she be justified?

    I've just looked at your diary and having 500-700 cals a day is not enough. Sorry to be rude but I think she has hidden them for a reason.
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    Why did your mum hide the scales? I had to do it for my daughter who is a relapsing anorexic/bullimic. Do you have any issues your mum might be worried about?

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    some days you've only eaten 300 cals. I'm afraid if I were your mum, I'd have done the same. Please eat some food, and if you really feel compelled to eat as you are, see a Dr.
  • elekelk
    elekelk Posts: 107
    Makes me question why your mum would have done that, unless she is vey concerned about your health or lack of eating? Would she be justified?

  • blossom76
    blossom76 Posts: 5 Member
    Makes me question why your mum would have done that, unless she is vey concerned about your health or lack of eating? Would she be justified?

    I've just looked at your diary and having 500-700 cals a day is not enough. Sorry to be rude but I think she has hidden them for a reason.

    My guess is, your mum has hidden the scales from you because she is concerned about your eating (or lack of!). An apple for lunch is not enough, it is not healthy. Maybe you are a vegatarian but you still need to be eating a lot moe protein. If not a veg, you need to be eating some meat/fish/chicken, etc.

    If those profile pics are of you, you look lovely just the way you are. There is no way you are 'fat' or 'overweight'. If you feel as though you have wobbly bits (we all do!), exercise would be the way to tone them. But you must EAT!

  • Hey, my mum has hidden the scales to weigh the food etc etc and I need to know how else to determine how much I am having per serving of porridge/cereal/nuts/seeds/milk etc etc
    please help

    you could use these they come in all shapes and forms
  • Wow and the amount of fat you're not consuming.... None of your pictures look like you're the "fat girl".
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Makes me question why your mum would have done that, unless she is vey concerned about your health or lack of eating? Would she be justified?

    I've just looked at your diary and having 500-700 cals a day is not enough. Sorry to be rude but I think she has hidden them for a reason.

    This was my reaction. I rarely, if ever, comment on someone's food choices or even their intake, but your diary is an absolute disaster -- hopefully, you're just not logging stuff properly. Otherwise, at best, you're going to end up "skinny fat," with a terrible body composition, and your metabolism is going to be downregulated, in a very harmful way. For someone who is in university, you ought to be much, much smarter.

    Research shows that if you want to lose fat while keeping your muscle, you need to eat around 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight; so, if a person weighs 64 kg, they should eat 64 x 1.7 = 108 grams of protein. Likewise, if a person wants to avoid significant gluconeogenesis where the body converts amino acids (protein) to glucose, they need a practical minimum of 50 grams of carbohydrates a day. For people who are reasonably active, that number is closer to 1 gram of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. Finally, if you want your hormonal system to function properly, you need to eat dietary fat. I saw one entry where you had 4 grams of dietary fat for the entire day. That's an endocrinological disaster waiting to happen.

    I trust that you're better than this, aren't you?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I agree with spartan (except that the protein intake should be expressed in terms of lean body mass, not absolutely body mass... :-) )
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    it's an odd thing for a mum to hide the scales......unless of course she sees an unhealthy obsession with food.

    Firstly, you need to see a doctor and/or nutritionist to discuss what foods you should be eating and how best to manage portion control without scales.

    then you need to think about what it is you are trying to achieve with your body. Strength training will probably help to get you the body you want, and help you 'look good in clothes', however to strength train properly and build useful muscle, you will need to up your protein intake.

    Personally I think you need outside advice to help you learn to eat a healthy diet. You say you eat healthily, and yes, it's not bad, there just needs to be more.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I agree with spartan (except that the protein intake should be expressed in terms of lean body mass, not absolutely body mass... :-) )

    My figures are based on those recommended for people who engage in strength training. I'm biased. http://www.jacn.org/content/19/suppl_5/513S.full

    By the way, feather, I'm on your side, and rooting for you. Reach out, if and when, you wish.
  • Makes me question why your mum would have done that, unless she is vey concerned about your health or lack of eating? Would she be justified?

    I've just looked at your diary and having 500-700 cals a day is not enough. Sorry to be rude but I think she has hidden them for a reason.

    This was my reaction. I rarely, if ever, comment on someone's food choices or even their intake, but your diary is an absolute disaster -- hopefully, you're just not logging stuff properly. Otherwise, at best, you're going to end up "skinny fat," with a terrible body composition, and your metabolism is going to be downregulated, in a very harmful way. For someone who is in university, you ought to be much, much smarter.

    Research shows that if you want to lose fat while keeping your muscle, you need to eat around 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight; so, if a person weighs 64 kg, they should eat 64 x 1.7 = 108 grams of protein. Likewise, if a person wants to avoid significant gluconeogenesis where the body converts amino acids (protein) to glucose, they need a practical minimum of 50 grams of carbohydrates a day. For people who are reasonably active, that number is closer to 1 gram of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. Finally, if you want your hormonal system to function properly, you need to eat dietary fat. I saw one entry where you had 4 grams of dietary fat for the entire day. That's an endocrinological disaster waiting to happen.

    I trust that you're better than this, aren't you?

    Oh my this.
    We had a nutritionist at our training session tonight and this is exactly what he said.
    You need fat, carbs and protein to function properly.
    The reason (if you honestly need to lose weight and I don't want to trigger worse behaviours) that you aren't losing is because you aren't eating enough so if you ate more your body would be nourished rather than malnourished and stop holding onto any carb and fat you eventually do consume. Your body is eating itself, not just the fat but muscle and seeping nutrients from bones and skin.

    I don't comment on other's eating habits unless I'm really concerned if they haven't asked.
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks guys, and yes my mum can be reasoned for doing so but I'm not doing this on purpose at all. I'm trying to eat more to keep my metabolism from crashing out and doing damage to my body but I'm finding it hard. When I'm kept busy for example out with friends then having to run errands or at uni or work I don't think about food nor does it appeal to me unless I enter the kitchen. I'm trying to bring up my protein as much as I can.