Hungry after moderate cardio workouts



  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member

    I have been participating in Nike Training Club for about 2 weeks. Last night, I did it and ate a normal dinner. 3 hours later, I was starving when heading home from a late night church meeting! I stopped and purchased some food that I didn't really want to eat because I couldn't go to bed that hungry. I had to research hunger after workout because I felt that incident was counter productive. I found this helpful. The blow statement really summarizes how I felt last night.
    That's the problem with cardio. For some people it will make them hungrier than usual, and if it was a moderate workout the first thing you put in your mouth will negate all the calories you burned.
    Excessive hunger after cardio is a pretty big sign that it was not a moderate workout. The hunger is caused by burning primarily glycogen during the workout making your body give you the signal to restore the glycogen stores.