Grrrrrrrr! My child is a Nutella Monster!

Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
My two year old refuses to eat anything but Nutella. Forced him to sit at the table for an hour until he ate his supper. Did not budge. Do anyone know of meals that all kids like.


  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    My daughter bleeds nutella!
  • jryan83
    jryan83 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm a Nutella Monster too!

    But macaroni & cheese with fish sticks and pizza still win out.
  • relucas81
    Your son has great taste! Bodes well for later in life :)

    My mom fed me buttered biscuits and peanut butter pancakes... tho that didn't lead to healthy things for me lol
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    And that stuff aint cheap!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    2 yr. olds are tough, but the good thing is they can't go to the store. If you don't bring it into the house he'll forget about it and when he's hungry he'll eat. Just give him healthier options.
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    My son has always loved anything with cheese (broccoli and cheese, mac n cheese, etc) and things with dip (chicken breast with bbq sauce, cucumbers with salad dressing, etc). What about those things? Also, try making things in fun shapes--like a heart or circle. Good Luck, stay consistent and they will be fine. Worse case, perhaps you can use bribery : If you eat your dinner you can have nutella with pretzel sticks for dessert. :)
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Nutella is definitely awesome :-) (my kids favorite breakfast is nutella-stuffed pancakes). However, beware too much of this sinfully delicious awesomeness- check out the first listed ingredient...... SUGAR!
  • djr140
    djr140 Posts: 19 Member
    Try compromise...tell him if he eates 5 bites of dinner, he can have two bites of Nutella..and if when he finishes more..he can have more nutella. It worked with my kids when all they wanted was yogurt for dinner! I would let them have it at the table as a "side" dish.. don't get caught up in the "kid food" will be another hard habit to break. If he eates what you eat now..he always will and he won't be filled with all that processed junk that they promote for kids! Good Luck!
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    The clean up is a pain too. Espicially if he is wearing shorts. Somtimes it looks like he bathed in it.
  • bearsmom82
    bearsmom82 Posts: 72 Member
    my kids were extremely fussy as toddlers - and it can become a very emotional battle as you desperately want them to eat healthy, and they are bound and determined to show you they are the boss.

    Have put that long behind, as my kids are now teenagers, so here is the wisdom I can share:

    No child has ever starved to death if there is a wide variety of delicious, healthy food available for them to eat.

    It might seem like they will try to starve - but hunger will absolutely bring them to eat. Put out whole grain toast with peanut butter, a variety of fruit and yogurt, scrambled eggs, cheese and milk. If the child refuses to eat, don't make a scene, just clear the table, and re-offer the same healthy choices a few hours later.

    Trust me - you will win this one - and the sooner you do, the sooner you launch your children on a path of healthy eating choices - so they don't end up on MFP with a weight problem when they are adults! :laugh:
  • youcandooeet
    youcandooeet Posts: 104 Member
    You should at least switch to a healthier brand of hazelnut spread, like Jason's. Nutella is mostly sugar.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    A toddler will not starve rather than get the food they want. They don't yet have the metal capacity to stage a hunger strike. This child is playing a control game and nothing else. He may complain loudly, but ultimately he will eat what is provided. If you want him to stop eating so much Nutella. Stop providing so much Nutella.
  • MCproptart
    MCproptart Posts: 92 Member
    "Candy-lope" (canteloupe), chicken breast or nuggets, mac & cheese, pea pods, Gorton's tilapia won over my friend's picky eater this weekend.

    Basically, continue to eat yummy things in front of him, and he'll get curious about this or that. If eating or not eating becomes a punishable offense, it may lead to other issues later on.

    He'll eat when he's hungry--just keep offering things every once in a while and something will "take". "Sorry, Sweetie, we don't have any more Nutella--how about peanut butter apples?"

    Good luck--my friends with picky eaters share your frustration.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    MY son is still at the run into walls and fall down stairs phase. Complete Id complex. No negoiations. Plus, he will force himself to throw up if I let him cry. Little Bastered has me by the short hairs.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    That's why my 2-year-old has never tasted Nutella. They can't refuse to eat everything else if they don't know what they're missing out on in the first place.
  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    You can take a hard line approach. No more nutella...

    Offer your child his meals...any food is kid friendly! When he is hungry, he will eat, if he isn't hungry, he won't eat. Kids are simple like that. Just keep simple rules, food at table, no juice or milk in between meals, offer water, and offer nutritious snacks through the day.

    I wouldn't force him to stay at table though until he eats, that is going to cause you more issues.

    Two years old can survive on only a 1/2 a sandwhich a day, so each meal only a few bites is going to be enough food, so don't force the issue. They also tend to want and eat the same food every day, that is normal. By introducing different foods, slowly with the foods he likes, that is the way to expand his palate. Don't make an issue over any foods whether he likes it or not, keep it low key and casual. That way food and eating doesn't' become a power issue between the 2 of you.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Hunger is a wonderful motivator. And, to be honest, your kitchen shouldn't be a cafeteria.

    Set a reasonable am't of time on a timer, and if the meal you've prepared for your child isn't eaten by the time it's buzzing,
    remove the plate and that's the last opportunity he/she has to eat till breakfast. No snacks, not making something different,
    especially not serving treats.

    I can pretty much GUARANTEE he/she will be eating just about anything you serve for breakfast.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    MY son is still at the run into walls and fall down stairs phase. Complete Id complex. No negoiations. Plus, he will force himself to throw up if I let him cry. Little Bastered has me by the short hairs.

    He is 2 years old, you are the what if he cries and throws up. If you calmly ignore it, and just clean him up he will get over it. It takes about 3 days to break a habit in a young one you have 3 days of hell and then it will be over. But you are the one in charge, not him.

    I would cut out all nutella right now and go on from there.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    my 3 yr old grandson eats what the adults eat... just toned down. ANd he loves spicy foods, and dips!!!
    He loves nutella too, but thats his dessert or sweet treat.. not his meal.
    He loves salad, broccolli, cauliflower, anything green..
    and he loves his spaghettis too!!!!

    He has a texture issue though so he won't eat certain things like jello, or puddings... anything congealed.... lol!!!

    and he won't eat peaches... cuz of fuzz!!! But I would not call that finicky...

    You have a chance to take control here, or let the child control it.
    Dont make food a battle ground either.
    Its your way or be hungry..
    They will figure out who is boss soon enough...and you determine if it is you or the child.