Last time to eat during the day?



  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Does anyone know what the scientifically or generally accepted time is that you should not eat past. For instance I remember hearing or reading that you should not eat past 7pm. If that true and if so, if you do eat past that time what problems does that cause? Do you lose less, can your body not process that food as well, etc. I would appreciate any feedback. Also, please feel free to add me, we can all use the support. Thanks, Steve:smile:

    Kinda depends, are you a Mogwai by chance?

  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    5 hours before bed. 4 is ok, 6 is ideal.

    Say what? :huh:

    Makes no difference what so ever what time you have your last meal/food before going to bed. If it feels more comfortable (stomach wise) not to eat straight before bed then don't. In so far as metabolism nada
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    There is no truth to the myth of scheduled meals and when you can't eat past... has long as you hit your caloric intake and macro's you are right on target.... Best of Luck....
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    About 2-3 hours before bed is what is recommended. The big issue is to not go to bed right after a big meal because digestion will disrupt sleep. If you are hungry in the evenings, have a light snack. It won't undo your weight loss efforts.

    Going to have to disagree, your body has no internal clock on times that it must ingest food, that being said people with acid reflux or some sorta stomach condition that would cause them discomfort if they went to bed on a full stomach should avoid eating at that time but for the rest of us, eat whenever you can get your calories and macro's in.... I have lost a few pounds taking a 500 calorie snack to bed with me every night.... Best of Luck...
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yes, some people said that we shouldn't eat after 7. That was not because our bodies stopped working after 7, but instead because after 7 people tended to sit down in front of the tv and munch mindlessly.

    That's exactly why I routinely schedule a snack for bedtime. Psychologically I have a much easier time resisting the mindless munchies earlier in the evening if I know I'll get to eat again before I sleep. I don't have acid reflux or any other digestive problems, though. If I did, I might not want to eat so late.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Good thing I didn't know about this magical cut off time because I eat every night until 1 or 2am, being a night owl it would be impossible to stop eating at 7pm. Screw that...I get hungry.
  • theteamarie
    theteamarie Posts: 17 Member
    I generally try to not eat after 7 or 8pm. Not really for any "scientific" reason, mainly because late at night is when I generally tend to want junk food and end up mindlessly eating for no reason. Giving myself a certain time when I can't snack helps me to avoid empty calories and unhealthy choices. Now if I get late night cravings I generally try to make a cup of tea or something
  • Tamisha15
    Tamisha15 Posts: 83 Member
    I not an expert but you should eat according to your activity level. So if after 6p.m. your going to be sitting on the couch watching TV then there is no need to fill your body up on calories you don't plan to use for energy. But if you plan on going to the gym to workout or finished working out you can replace you that energy w/ calories.

    Hope that makes sense and helps :-)

  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Does anyone know what the scientifically or generally accepted time is that you should not eat past. For instance I remember hearing or reading that you should not eat past 7pm. If that true and if so, if you do eat past that time what problems does that cause? Do you lose less, can your body not process that food as well, etc. I would appreciate any feedback. Also, please feel free to add me, we can all use the support. Thanks, Steve:smile:

    Kinda depends, are you a Mogwai by chance?

  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    As many others have stated, it makes NO difference in terms of weight loss.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    If you are doing it for digestive reasons, like me (I can't digest food well if I don't get up and move around after) then I stop eating maybe an hour and a half or two hours before bed. But it has no effect on your metabolism or weight loss, unless you habitually eat worse foods at night or something like that.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    I generally try to not eat after 7 or 8pm. Not really for any "scientific" reason, mainly because late at night is when I generally tend to want junk food and end up mindlessly eating for no reason. Giving myself a certain time when I can't snack helps me to avoid empty calories and unhealthy choices. Now if I get late night cravings I generally try to make a cup of tea or something
    SAME for me. 90% of the crap food I've eaten in my life has been after 8pm.
  • katie81smith
    katie81smith Posts: 40 Member
    From what my doc told me, if you are going to bed at 10 pm you don't want to eat past 6pm. She said it is a 4 hour window. Hope this helps.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Does anyone know what the scientifically or generally accepted time is that you should not eat past. For instance I remember hearing or reading that you should not eat past 7pm. If that true and if so, if you do eat past that time what problems does that cause? Do you lose less, can your body not process that food as well, etc. I would appreciate any feedback. Also, please feel free to add me, we can all use the support. Thanks, Steve:smile:

    When you are no longer hunger. Your body will metabolize everything you eat while you sleep.
  • 02tods
    02tods Posts: 126 Member
    I used to not eat after dinner, at all. But, sometimes that's hard to do if you're really hungry...and remember, your body is telling you something. In that case, I choose something healthy, such as cottage cheese, yogurt, or raw veggies. My body seems happy with that. Sometimes though, we could really be needing more hydration as our bodies will give hunger pangs when it's thirty as well. Just something to consider.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    I ate dinner at 3am yesterday, and logged it on Monday.
    Got a late start on my spaghetti sauce. By the time I let
    it simmer, reduce, cool, and divide the 3 gallons of sauce
    in to sealed containers to freeze, it was pretty late!
    I did get to catch up on some Big Bang I had on the DVR.

    I always eat right before I go to bed.
  • SA_80_2012
    SA_80_2012 Posts: 45 Member
    I read in a health mag may years ago that it's better for most people to stop eating after 9pm.
    This however, did not limit the amount of drinks one can consume- that is HEALTHY drinks. (eg: nothing alcoholic etc)

    At the time I read this I lost over 23 kilos - or 50.7 pounds for you guys in the USA.

    I've tried over the years to adhere to this as closely as possible.

    I tend to go to sleep at 11ish, so stopping my intake of food after 9 isn't so bad.

    I should also add, that i do a lot of cardio work outs and I tend to get home from the gym by about 7.30... So for me at least, 9pm seems to work well.

    Ultimately, we're all different, but I do believe that if you're doing the exercise, then you also need to replenish your body with healthy food or post-work out snacks.

    I really think it's counter-productive to be starving yourself all evening-night. Particularly when the person is being physically active during the day.
  • Tracepa98
    Tracepa98 Posts: 219
    I usually dont eat anything past 10pm but there are certain occasions like last night that were an exception. I had dinner around 7:30ish but went well over 3 hours after that without a snack. Went home and found myself really hungry just after midnight. So i had one of those 100 calorie quakes rice cakes bags and some water. So at least i wasnt going to sleep starving.

    But i guess i have a question of "if you are still within your calorie range and/if you have worked out that day...does it really matter?
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    The "don't eat after a certain time" rule is a complete myth. While myths can be annoying, what is so sinister about this one is that if you try to follow this foolish rule, you will likely go to bed hungry, be frustrated thinking about all those hours between dinner and breakfast the next day, etc.

    I set aside an evening snack which I have right before bed. This ensures I go to bed full, and gives me something to look forward to after dinner. (Just be sure to brush your teeth!)
    right here, 100% correct. Zero scientific evidence that says there are set times you should stop eating. The only reason to avoid certain foods before bed is if they have caused you to experience heartburn.

    You just made me very happy. I tend ot take a cup of coffee and a little treat (depending on calories left over from the day) to bed with me. I look forwad to it, and am glad I don't have to feel guilty about it.
    Now, what shall I do instead as my *naughty treat*?